~chapter 47~

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~Arthurs point of view~

He came up to the king although he was shorter i could still feel the tension between the two. The short man looked around and laid those cold eyes on me, his grin grew wider and he started walking slowly towards me. Through the silence you could hear his heavy black leather boots hit the stoned path. He eyed me up and down and then looked back at me, "well if it isn't the ruler of the seas himself aru?" he asked obviously sarcastically.  " What did you want from me?" i asked cutting right to the point. "Well that was rude, i thought you knew better than to be rude but you're right let's get straight to business." he said turning around. "How is Kuro doing?" he asked. "Thats is not important at the moment." i stated changing the subject. He began walking to who knows where, i looked around the town and it looked pretty messed up. The king began walking well more like sprinting to help his people. i followed 'bermuda' to where he was going. While all these pieces were being put together (y/n) was quiet the entire time. In fact bermuda never even saw her or met here i doubt he even knows she's here. After a long long walk through fallen and burnt piles of brick and wood and a forest we made it to the place where (y/n) was kidnapped. (y/n) didn't even question or make  a single emotion, she looked lifeless. "I wanted to talk to you, of course you wouldn't want to come willingly." said 'bermuda' smirking. we went inside and sat down in his headquarters. A large but bandaged woman glared at (y/n) i could tell she was probably the one who put those bandages on the woman. "Who is she, aru?" he asked pointing directly at  (y/n). she looked directly at him with no emotion at all, I could sense the anger and rage she was hiding. "This is-" i was cut off by (y/n) as she stood in front of me. "Where is he?" she asked, i was confused until the light bulb hit me literally apparently i'm too tall for this place that a light bulb from on top hit me.  He smirked, "Im wang yao." he said extending his hand out for her. she looked at it and shook it firmly.  " I'm not going to play your silly games show me where he is and ill take my leave." she said menacingly. I glared at yao, he had already caused to much damage with taking charles and attacking the entire kingdom. He pointed to a room that isn't to far from us. something didn't seem right (y/n) could sense it to. Out of nowhere he began launching right at me, i got my sword out but not in time that small body of his was going to stab me before i could even dodge it.  i closed my eyes shut and didnt feel anything i opened my eyes to find (y/n)'s blade in front of me blocking Yao's sharp blade. He looked at her in disbelief and put his sword down. She walked up to him they were about the same height, "You Must be The queen of the ocean aru." he said putting his sword in its case. "What is the business you want with us." she stated rather coldly. I cant believe how much she has changed me, i took a deep breath in and changed the setting and actected more serious. "Yao where is the kid." i asked coming closer to him. He looked at me and then at her, he walked towards a room which was different than the one he had told (y/n) to go in. After many turns we landed in a single metal door, you could definitely hear someone in there. (y/n) stepped back and took a deep breath. Yao nodded and opened the door, she didn't hesitate she leaned towards the door and out came running a small figure. It was charles he looked pale and thinner this made me wonder how long he kept him in there. Even  though he looked weak he tackled (y/n) to the floor. i looked inside, This was the worst thing that i could ever see. I looked at yao horrified, how could he have let this happen or why did he do it. He shut the door and glared at me, this man was planning something i knew it. (y/n) smiled at the poor boy as he cried in her shoulder, "Dont worry im here." she said patting his head gently. "M-m-mom a-and d-dad!" shouted charles. (y/n) tilted her head slightly confused, i wanted to stop him but yao got there before me. "So pirates, shall we began with?" he asked. I glared at him "Ill talk first so wait your turn." he said. "tea?" he asked before leaving. i nodded and so did (y/n) not even making eye contact she was still comforting charles. he left and came back with teacups. He gave me a blue one, he had a white one , but the one that caught my eye was the one he gave to (y/n) it was red and charles had a white one also. i drank mine with no hesitation, After what i saw i knew i was going to need it. (y/n) didn't drink hers which made me calmer she gave charles some cookies she had inside her pockets. " aren't you going to drink your tea?" asked yao clearly impatient, he was up to something. She drank it all in one go which made yao smirk. after him talking about what he wanted from us which was all our gold and to fear him or at least to pretend to (y/n) began acting strange. She stumbled when walking and touched her head often, she was also sweating and gave a weak smile. " Are you alright love?" i asked touching her shoulder. she slapped my hand off and looked at me, "i-im sorry i didn't mean to, Don't worry i'm-fine." she said. I beginning to become more and more concerned now she was talking more quietly and stuttering. As we were heading out Charles was holding onto her hand like it meant his life. Yao followed us, closely behind (y/n). He put something in that drink, (y/n)'s eyes  began losing their own life. 

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