Chapter 3

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"Calling all VIP pass holders!" I heard a guard call out as I neared the arena entrance. I saw mostly girls and a few guys heading towards him. I smiled as I saw a wave of VIP passes being proudly displayed as they held onto their ARMY bombs, sporting different members on their shirts, indicating who their bias were. Most people had Taehyung's head proudly displayed on their bodies. I momentarily felt a wave of jealousy. I mean, the other members needed fans, too.

I stopped counting the VIP members at around 200. There was a lot. I'm just glad I met V before even entering the arena. I still can't believe it, though.

I was standing in the VIP line for about five minutes before it was my turn to show the guard my VIP pass. Upon inspecting my pass, he issued me with a VIP ID. I looked at it. Hmm, it's kind of cute. It was a VIP ID in the shape of an ARMY bomb, attached to a black lanyard that was supposed to be worn around one's neck. I took a closer look, and the words "Backstage Pass: Meet and Greet" stood out the most. I had no idea what to do with it other than just hang it around my neck.

When I finally managed to enter the arena, I noticed many girls with VIP passes. Oh shit, am I late? I thought to myself. I looked around for a seat, but sighed as I noticed the girls had taken up the first five rows. I should've come earlier. I started looking around and eventually found a seat in the middle of the sixth row.

There's no way he would be able to see me from here, I thought sadly. Reaching for my phone in my bag, I decided I will just check Twitter to pass the time before the concert starts.

I was bored already as there were no new updates. I was about to lock my phone again, but stopped as I saw the notification pop up on my screen.

BTS tweeted.

No, to be more specific, Taehyung tweeted:

"Can't wait to see you again later! #yeontan #qualitytime" it was followed by a picture of himself and Yeontan. They looked so cute, I almost forgot I met them just a few moments ago.

But then I remembered. A panicky feeling set in. Oh shit, oh shit. Is he talking about me? Could he be?

I mentally shook my head as if to shake off the overthinking that was taking place in my mind. I made myself comfortable as I knew there were still many people outside, and I didn't want to deal with them squashing past me. I looked up when I heard voices coming from the opposite side of the entrance.

"Hello ARMY!" Jungkook waved at the people in front of him. I froze. I stared at him as he was walking up and down the stage. He wore a white polar shirt with his signature black pants. Hot damn. Shit. Man, he is hot.

Jungkook was now approaching the front row seats. The girls were losing their minds and was quickly approaching him. I stood up for a brief second, but sighed as I slumped back into my chair. There's too many of them to go near him. I just looked down at my feet, trying to ignore the commotion Jungkook's presence caused.

"Excuse me." I heard a gentle voice above me. I looked up. I think my jaw dropped as I realized I was staring right at the one and only Mochi. Shit.

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