Chapter 47

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"She's so annoying! More annoying than this pabo!" Jungkook pointed to Taehyung who's playing with Oliver on the Xbox.

"Mommy, why is Uncle Kookie saying pabo again?" Owen asked me while pulling my top. I rolled my eyes looking at jungkook while giving him the eye sign.

The eye sign is when Jungkook swears in front of the kids. Most of the time I send him a death glare. He soon realised he needs to keep his mouth shut. When the kids are not around, I slap him in the back.

"When you're thirteen, I'll tell you." I pat my middle born's head as he smiles and runs to Ona to play trains with her.

I gave Jungkook a death glare then he looked down smiling shyly. I mouthed the words, "You are so dead."

"Fuck! I lost!" I averted my eyes to Taehyung as he threw the Xbox controller on the ground.

Oliver turned to Taehyung, "Daddy, what's fuck?" Taehyung realized what he said. Then he looked at me with an innocent smile plastered on his face. I saw jungkook trying to hold in his laugh. I smiled at taehyung innocently but made my eyes turn cold at him.

I will teach these pabos a lesson.

I sighed and pretended it never happened. I turned to Jungkook and said, "We'll just have to wait for the results back. Don't worry, at least you will have two kids right?" I try to cheer him up.

"But taking care of one kid is already stressful." Jungkook whined and whing like a baby.

I rolled my eyes, "Again, we'll just have to wait."

Jungkook frowned and sat down on Taehyung's bean bag frustrated. He's worried. If this comes out in media, their career will be ruined. Not to mention, if I come out to media. One girl with three kids staying at BTS' dorms.

Of course, I'm their top priority. If paparazzis sees me, I'll have to move in to Lee Dong Wook's apartment and stay there a little while. That's the plan that Namjoon and I made if anything happens to me.

"I'm gonna take a shower." Taehyung said as he stretched, standing up from the couch.

Jungkook's head turned to look at taehyung, saying to him, "Hyung, wait for me, I'm gonna take a shower too." Jungkook got up and followed Taehyung.

"Mommy, I'm hungry!" Ona began to cry. I picked up Ona with my hands and kissed her on the cheek. I looked at her eyes, it's the same as Jungkook's. Her smile revealed her chubby cheeks witch she got from me.

Ona is the most fragile child among the three. Her skin is sensitive. Her feelings can be broken down by just one swear word. She's too cute and fragile for this world. She's afraid of everything. And basically, she's like the opposite of Jungkook.

"Mommy, to the kitchen!" Owen and Oliver pushed me out the door while I had Ona in my arms.

Oliver kept pushing me into we step foot into the kitchen. Ona was holding onto my shirt tightly, and Owen was there singing an anime song.

"Alright alright, what do you kiddos want?" I put Ona down as we entered the kitchen.

"Kimchi!" Ona chanted.

"Ramen!" Oliver shouted.

"Hamburger!" Owen added, "AND SPRITE!"

I rolled my eyes and smiled as I heard Owen say that. Owen is very much an American type of boy. Even though he doesn't have in his blood.

I wonder what the guys are doing in the shower?

Jin burst through the doors. The kids looked at him and smiled, "Hi Pink Princess!"

Jin smiled and did a curtesy bow, "Thank you my little princess." Jin added, "I'll talk to your mom for a minute, aight?"

The kids nodded and ran off to playground room, meaning Jimin's room. Jin came to me while I got out a bag of ramen and placed it in some boiling water.

"Y/N." Jin called.


"The results have arrived." I froze.


I rushed to the bathroom door as I heard the results from Jin. Just thinking about telling Jungkook, was a relieve.

"Hyung don't stop." I heard pants coming from inside. I frowned and clenched my teeth. I also heard a slippery sound.

"Oh-h-h..J-Jungkookie.." I assumed it was Taehyung but my features cringe more.

Is this what they do every time they're in the shower?

I rolled my eyes. I straightened my back and cleared my throat quietly. I thought about what to say in my head, to shit them up. As I was ready, I knocked on the door then heard Taehyung's words, 'shit' and Jungkook's words, 'oh man'

"Guys, you done taking a shower? The results came in. Jin just brought them to me!" I said.

"Oh-h o-okay! We'll check it out, just one minute!" I heard Jungkook said.

I smiled behind the door while looking down. They can be idiots sometimes. I frowned as I remembered the moans to Jungkook. A shiver went down my spine then I shook it of by wiggling my body.

I started walking to the kitchen when I started hearing the kids calling me. As I was walking I said to myself, "What were those two doing?"


Edited by: sami590 Revised by: taehyungjeanss

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Edited by: sami590
Revised by: taehyungjeanss


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