Chapter 40

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I froze there. Two guys are in my house. And those two are Jungkook and Taehyung. The maknaes. Excluding Jimin.

When Taehyung saw me, he smiled. But when he turned around and saw Jungkook, it disappeared. "What are you doing here?" We stayed quiet.

I could hear a tone in his voice. Taehyung went closer to Jungkook. He lifted his collar on his shirt. Jungkook's hands tried to stop him. "I said what are you doing here?"

"Taehyung-" Taehyung cut me off with a sign of his hand.

"Hyung.." Taehyung's hands went to Jungkook's neck. It alerted me.

He's going to kill him.

"Taehyung you're hurting him!" I called out to him but he doesn't listen or stop.

I heard Jungkook choke, he's suffering. What the fuck am I doing just standing here. I went to Taehyung and tried to remove his hands.

"Taehyung stop!" I tried removing his left hand with both hands. He's strong.

I saw Jungkook's eyes almost closing. A pain in my chest went deep. I was about to cry. That moment gave me motivation to use all my strength to pull taehyung away. And it worked. But I used too much. I fell backwards and stumbled and hit my head and body against the wall. I saw Taehyung letting go of Jungkook. Jungkook was coughing and holding his throat. Taehyung was there with his fists firmly together as if he was going to hit jungkook. My head went dizzy instantly.

I fell down more against the wall. Then I felt something leaking out of me. I didn't see it. I didn't have time to think.

The only thing I heard was both Jungkook and Taehyung calling my name.

Then blackness surrounded my eyes.



As Y/N's eyes closed, I immediately froze. I saw Jungkook going to Y/N, shaking her to wake her up. "Taehyung call the ambulance!"

What have I done..


My vision became blurry when I felt a tear drop down my cheek. Blood appeared before my eyes between Y/N's legs.

"Fucking do something asshole!"

I saw Jungkook getting his phone from his pocket and dialing the emergency service.

"Hi, it's Jungkook. Um, my friend is pregnant and she fell onto a wall very hard. Blood is already flowing out of her. Please come quickly, I'll send you my location.

He dialed it through text.

"Taehyung the ambulance is coming any minute, you gotta help me here." He started to fan her.

I couldn't move. Why can't I move?

"For god's sake Taehyung! Snap out of it!"

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