Chapter 7

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My senses were on high alert.

Am I imagining things, or did Jungkook really check the place out for any security cameras?

But if he didn't, then why was he grinding up against me?

I couldn't think straight, my body ignored all my attempts of rationalization, but I somehow managed to get my body to obey, turning to face him completely.

"Jungkook, what the fu-" I whispered, before he cut me off.

"Shhh." He cooed from behind the mask. I couldn't see his entire face, but his eyes had a lingering hunger in them, which made me both uncomfortable and intrigued.

He glanced at the ceiling one last time, and seemingly satisfied, he lowered his mask, letting it rest under his chin.

Ah, so it was to see if there were any cameras.

Clever fucker.

He stood closer, letting the tips of his fingers trail from lower thigh, to under my skirt. He cupped my ass with his hands and gave a gentle squeeze.

I jerked at the action. Why am I enjoying this so much?

I shouldn't.

"Why...I mean...wha..." My voice failed me. I momentarily forgot how to speak.

Jungkook caught on as to what I wanted to say. He gave me a surprisingly innocent smile, but his eyes darkened and his voice lowered as he spoke.

"Well, you see, Y/N...I don't like to be bored." He snaked his arms around my waist, pulling me towards him.

"F-find something to do, then." I suggested lamely, trying to avoid eye contact.

Suddenly his one hand crept to the back of my head, slightly tugging at my hair, making my head jerk back. Holding me in that position, he brushed his lips against my ear. "Oh, but I did... I found just the perfect somebody to do." He whispered seductively, emphasizing the 'somebody' and 'do'.

I gulped.

Oh shit, this isn't happening.

Taehyung will kill me if he knew about this.

This isn't good.

"J-Jungkook...I-I..." I couldn't finish my sentence because he slid my panties down, letting it pool at my ankles.

"Hmm, fuck...wet already, are we?" He smirked, speaking those words against my lips as his fingers slid between my folds.

It was only partly true, though. I was wet for Jungkook, he was exciting me to my core, but the evidence of my excitement was triggered by Taehyung's flirty messages moments ago.

This made me feel guilty. I know it was wrong, but Jungkook's touch drove me insane.

His one hand was playing with my pussy now; stroking, rubbing, inserting; the other grabbed my ass, as if to hold me in place, his face never leaving mine.

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