Chapter 19

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here's a bit of Jimin's side of view. It's not much haha.



"Woah Jimin, you want to go full nudity in the photo shoot?" Namjoon's brows furrowed.

"What? No! Maybe like only a denim jacket but no shirt. Also maybe I want the Calvin Klein boxers to show." I said.

"Jimin, that's too much." He disagrees. "You're going to give the fans your pain in the ass."

I groaned like a baby before instinctively facing to Taehyung. "Tae, help me out."

Taehyung was sitting on the sofa, texting Y/N. "What did you say?" He said, still not looking at me.

"How do I dress up for a photo shoot."

"Uh—." Here comes BlankTae.

"Namjoon hyung is right, don't show too much. So maybe—" He looked up to think. "Button up one button in the middle?"

"Yeah, I guess that could work." I apparently agreed while putting on the denim jacket. "What about the jeans?"

"You know your V line?"


"Show it."

"Jesus, are you guys really that much." Namjoon hissed.

"Namjoon-hyung, don't be jealous of me. Just show the Calvin Klein boxers by lifting up your shirt." I said giving advice to Namjoon.

"What? No."

"I mean like just a little to see the boxers brand."

"Mmhm." Taehyung is hyped up. "Also Jimin-ah, show your V line, it's sexy and cute at the same time."


When Hoseok was done, it was my turn. I did what Taehyung's advice said. Show the V line. Show the Calvin Klein. Button up the middle. I posed while flipping my hair. Leaning back the wall and looking at the camera.

"Ooh! Go Jimin!" I saw Jungkook cheering for me, which made me smile and a bit embarrassed.

After the photo shoot, I saw the picture of my pose, and damn. I'm going to get killed. "Woah Jimin. I'm shook." Namjoon complimented.

"Thank you." I smiled from embarrassment.

"Wow, Jimin is not anymore ChimChim." Hoseok hyung joked.

"Yah, this is really good." Jin hyung complimented.

When Taehyung looked the photo his eyes were wide. "Ooh! Park Jimin! You look legit."

"You look like you're naked." Yoongi laughed.

Well thank you Yoongi. I felt that too.


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