Chapter 37

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"And you're the dad Jungkook."

His eyes blinked so many times. "You're fucking with me right?"

If I was, I would be rolling on the floor by now.

"No I'm not."

He wouldn't look at me anymore. A few minutes have passed by, it was quiet between us.

"I-If y-you w-want, I can abort—"

He said quickly, "Don't abort it."

He looked at me, "Don't abort the baby."

Confused feelings were starting to mix in my head.

" don't even love me.." I said.

"Y/N. I don't know if I do or not. This is a lot to take in." He sighed. "But what I was taught by my hyungs, I can't let anything I made die."

His eyes were sincere. It really was. It was searching for mine.

"W-What about T-Taehyung?" I started to shred some tears. He pats my back.

"Taehyungie? I'll talk to him when the baby's born." Those words made me frown.

"What do you mean when the baby's born? Taehyung will notice my big ass stomach." He titled his head, making it clear that he's also clueless.

"Taehyungie didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

He took a deep breath and exhaled, "Taehyung will be going to military in three weeks time." I froze with my eyes going wide.

That. My heart broke. It shattered. I even heard shattered glasses falling. I felt a huge piece of pain in my chest. This is not happening. He's too young to go to military.

"Y/N, here." He gave me a tissue. As soon as I realized, I was crying. I was crying really hard.

"How come he didn't tell me?!" I quietly yelled with tears running down my cheeks. 

"Maybe he plans to tell you but keep forgetting." He said quietly.

I sniffed, "I'm going to tell him."

"Tell him what?"

"That you're the dad."

He held my shoulders, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, before he goes to military, I want to spend time with him, I'll wait for the right time to tell him."

"Alright. If I get a punch in the face by him, I'll understand where it's come from." He patted my shoulder. I chuckled. He looked down to my tummy and places his hand on it.

"Hey baby Kookie. Please behave when mommy is having a hard time." He patted.

I smiled. If only he was Taehyung, I'd fall in love with this baby more.

"I'll get going now. It's getting dark." I said before he looks up. "I'll walk you home." He insisted.

"No it's fine." I said as we both stand up and Jungkook puts on his mask.

"I can't let the mommy of my baby walk home alone." He held me by the elbow.

"Okay fine. But this is the first and last time you're walking me home." We started walking.

He notices that I brought a bag so he tryed to take it off me. "It's fine, I'm only in the first trimester and only having a little morning sickness. Plus, it's just papers."

"I don't care. I can't let you carry anything but my baby." I scoff.

"Selfish." I coughed while saying that.

"You're the one who's selfish!"

Jungkook still acts like a baby, even though he going to have a father. Dear god, what am I getting myself into.


We arrived in front of my house. Jungkook gave me back the documents.

He bend down to my tummy level, "Okay, daddy will be leaving now. So you behave little bean." He pointed then poked my tummy. I blushed then he chuckled showing his bunny teeth.

"I'll check on you everyday to see if you're okay." He said while standing and straightening his back.

"I'll be going to the dorm everyday anyways."

"Do you need a ride so you don't have to walk there?"

"Jungkook, it's just a few blocks—"

He cut me off, "I researched when I was in high school, pregnant ladies get tired easily. And during our walk, you was panting so heavily."

"I'll be fine. Jeez, you're so provocatively strict." I turned to my house and started to unlock my door.

"Hey, I gotta protect something I made." He raised his hands up. "I'll text you daily okay? Don't you dare ignore me!" He made a baby voice as I opened the door.

"Yeah yeah, bye Jungkook!" I waved my hand at him as I closed the door behind me.

I took a deep breath.

One down. Two more to go. 

Edited by: sami590
Revised by: taehyungjeanss

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