Chapter 27

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_goldenjeon is now online

cheriemari is now online

are you there? i'm omw

almost ;)

see you :>

i'll be there soon, don't make me wait :)

seen 11:40 am


I met her. I finally met my internet friend. She was stunning. A smile form to my face.

There's a sudden hush, and the hairs on the back of my neck begin to prickle. The steely wind cuts through the rustling trees. Everything feels fresh and alive, poised for action.

The wordless scream of eager soil rushes into my nostrils, and although my feet pick up the pace, my mind yearns to linger in this feeling.

We somehow make it to a cover before it begins. It starts slow; a million comets frozen in the instant before they crash onto the Earth's surface. Cold droplets splash onto my knuckles, ricocheting from the tin roof.

Before I lose myself in the white noise, it crosses my mind that all the water in the world does little to faze anybody else.

"Aww, its raining! How are we gonna go to the place we're going now?" Rose said.

"We wait until the rain stops."

I thought it was just a wash then it will suddenly transition from a cold and freezing weather to a bright one once again, but it continued and never stopped.
We waited until the rain stopped, but it took us an forever to wait for it.

"Let's go to my dorm, it's near." I grabbed her hand but she refuses.

"Yah! I am not running in the rain again and get sick." She made a glare at me.

"Have you not run in the rain? What a damn boring childhood you had."

"Well maybe I don't have one." She rolled her eyes.

"Come on! It'll be fun, let me be your first time." I winked.


I grabbed her hands and we ran.

The small drops of water attacked my body as we ran across the field towards my dorm. Focusing on the building ahead of me I sprinted a bit quicker. My shoes pounded heavily across the ground causing to mud slash up my leg, and stain my new jeans. I took a deep breath reminding myself that it was my own stupidity that had put me and Rose in this situation. Too busy yelling at myself I didn't notice that I was sliding on the mud until my butt hit the ground with a loud thud. Great, I told myself, just great. What an embarrassment in front of my internet friend.

I heard her burst in laughter. "Jungkook!" She laughs further more. A-Are you okay?!" She said as her laugh floated through the air like a melody

"Not funny." I said as I got up from embarrassment and pain in the ass. We walked silently and we are soaking wet from the heavy rain.

Minutes passed by and we are here outside of my dorm, we went inside and she took off her shoes and placed it aside, and I did so too.

"You go take a shower first, I'll lend you a robe and some clothes that will fit you."

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