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Jungkook's POV

I woke up with a jerk because of the sudden screams which I supposed came out of my father's mouth.
I got up rushing towards his room while hoping that he would be alright.
He was on his death bed. After living for a complete million years he was starting to worry me about his health. He was often sick, caughing and had chest pains.

I opened the door as soon as I reached his room and went towards him moving away the white witch that was taking care of him and knelt down holding his hand.

"Jungkook, I'm going to say a few things to do. I know that you don't like being bossed around but this time you need to listen to me, after all, you have an entire Kingdom to take care of now." He said as he joined his hand with mine pulling it up to his chest and placing them there.

"Please appa, don't do this. No matter what, I would never be able to take care of this place like you did." I said trying my best to hold my sobs in.

"I can't guarantee over my life anymore. Only a few moments that I might have with you. Please, do this for me."

He said calmly as his eyes were looking sadder every second.

"What do I have to do?" I asked building up all of the courage in me.

"You very well know that the stele is a demon's most powerful weapon.  At this moment it is in planet Earth. It is molded into a piece of diamond. The brightness that could shine the whole world is being used to brighten a mere piece of diamond. I need you to bring it back."

"Wait, what do you mean!!? I need to go down to earth?"

"Yes, now please. Listen to what I have asked you to do. Whatever I had to say, I've told it now. The rest, you will hear it from your brother."


"No Jungkook, please. I don't want this argument. Now go and get ready." He said softly but stern.

I nodded and gave him a little hug before going back to my room.
As soon as I reached my room. My hyung's warming  smile that I was always jealous of welcomed me.

I sulked into my bed and gave out a huge sigh.

"What exactly are you going to say to me?" I asked Taehyung as he was seated on the chair right in front of me.

"Not a lot, but whatever I say. You must follow!" He said.

"Yeah Yeah, whatever." I said uninterested.

"Ok, what you need to understand is that only the God of Life can rule over the stele since it is very powerful. We need to join forces with the God of Life and work together to bring the stele back."

"That's it?" I asked hoping it was over.

"Of course not. So, the God of Life died two days ago after living for over 1 million years. So the current God is his daughter, Kim Naeri. She isn't God yet and neither does she have any powers,  since her mother was human. She will be 20 years old in a month and then her powers would start generating.
So basically, you need to protect her until she transforms and achieves the powers of a God."

"So I need to watch over her because her pitiful human ass can't do it herself?" I asked him processing all that he said to me.

"Hey, watch your tongue! She's a half. Once she turns 20 and gets all of her powers she would be even stronger than you ever could be." He retorted.

"Pfft, anyways when do I have to go?"

"Tomorrow night, and trust me. Once she knows about the importance of the stele. She will surely understand!"
He said grinning his box smile while I looked up at him in horror.
I really hated going down to earth, seeing all those powerless humans who could do nothing but hold a gun or a dagger just because their stupid anorexic bones couldn't fight for themselves.

And now, because of this reason. I need to take care of one.

To be continued...

𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now