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"Welcome your Goddess," mother said lovingly, the little white fairies flew to me, smiling at me gently as they zapped towards the crown beside me, picking it up together with all their might and I watched them with a proud smile. They flapped their wings and brought the crown closer to me, placing it on the top of my head. There were cheers heard everywhere, angels and fairies clapping their hands as I bowed to all of the kingdom. Jungkook was probably being crowned in his Kingdom too, at the thought of it a smile dawned upon my face.

My mother walked up to me in her satin gown, smiling at me lovingly as she closed her eyes, placing her palm on the top of my head.

"May you be blessed with virtue, wisdom and grace during your reign," she said and kissed my cheek.

"You can all commence with your daily activities," I said and all of the little angels squealed before gathering with their friends and running out. I nod at the fairies and soon enough they left as well.

"How have you been?" I asked my mother and she held my hand tighter.

"In wait, and now I'm finally happy, I'm so proud of you," she said and the question I had running through my mind, finally found its way out my mouth.

"Why did you have dad's diary mom?" I asked and she looked at me.

"Dad? Have you two gotten along," she asked curious to know.

"Not sure, it's all over the place for now," I answered honestly and she nods.

"Like him, I too thought it was you, that you were the cursed one, and how you spent your childhood away from Agartha, it added to my doubts making it clearer how you could be the Steele's chosen one, I felt like his diary would help me find a way to avoid that from happening,"

She answered and I smiled though my lips quivered, everytime I heard the Steele being mentioned I couldn't help going back to when I spent my days with Jimin, if only I knew I shared his blood.

"Don't blame yourself, that's the last thing he would want, wasn't that what you said?" Mother reminded me and I chuckled through the sadness.

"I heard you had a few friends," she said and I nodded.

"Yuqi, Taehyung and Jungkook..." I said.

"They can come over whenever, Jungkook on the other hand, isn't he King?" she asked.

"Yes, he probably won't come here all too much, it would only hurt him," I said and she nodded.

I missed them for sure, though I had mother here, I still felt lonely. It was a different feeling. Something my own blood relation didn't give me but strangers did, strangers who turned to the most precious ones of my life.

I wondered if Jungkook even thought of me at all, now that he's finally king and the God, he has things he is responsible for, he obviously wouldn't leave all of that, not for me.

"Can we have dad here sometime?" I asked and mother blinked her eyes in nervousness.

"We don't have to if you dont-"

"No, it's okay, you can invite whomever you want over," she said and smiled.

I walked around the large castle, just as big and just as empty as Jungkook's. How I missed being able to fool around.


It was weird not having anyone to fool around with, people saw me as a skyscraper, too high to reach out for. My powers were coming along well but it still felt empty, Taehyung was still getting over Jimin, he didn't talk or fight with me as much as we used to. Yuqi, she never spoke anyway but it's not like she could give me company either, she would walk around the empty castle and worked whenever she was needed.

I never though being a King could feel this lonely. Everyone treats you like you're gold, with respect till you're handed over and a new piece sets foot to reign. I sighed, thinking back to the days when Taehyung would randomly tackle me down, the little arguments I had with Jimin and Naeri, the one that hated me just as much as I hated her, I laughed just thinking about it.

I never thought I could have any other relation with her apart from the one we had- acquaintancy.

I looked out the window, the flowing river where we shared one too many moments, from good ones to bad ones. Times when I taught her, where she received her powers, it was all her.

I sighed knowing I couldn't meet her. Unless... I had to reign for a while if I wanted my plan to really work.


I think there's barely one or two chapters left, this was a long ass ride man,😂.

𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now