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I walked myself to the sorcerers' room, hoping I would find Minjun. The room had quite a few white witches who bowed once I had entered.

"Naeri," I heard and turned to see Minjun behind me.

"I thought you weren't here, anyway, I had to talk to you about something," I said and he nodded.

"Well, go on," he said and I looked around.

"Somewhere else maybe?"

- - -

"Am I supposed to be concerned?" Minjun asked as we walked along the castle grounds, Jimin was probably with Taehyung annoying Jungkook so I didn't have to think much about being watched.

"Please don't be shocked and just answer my questions," I tell the man beforehand and he nods in agreement.

"Is there by any chance a curse is the reason why we aren't able to reach the Steele?" I ask and Minjun stops walking.

"Why do you want to know about this?" I knew I shouldn't be lying to him when he's clearly here to help me and so I confessed.

"Renjin told me about how there's a curse unleashed on the first born of the person who uses the Steele for personal benefit," I say and he pursed his lips in thought.

"That is completely true," he said and I nod.

"Is there a way to stop that curse?" I ask and Minjun thinks for a few seconds, eyeing me a bit suspiciously.

"There is a ritual, the parent of the offspring is to conduct this ritual, if it's genuine then the first offspring loses its life and turns to dust, this dust turns to the Steele, so it's safe to say the offspring's soul gets entrapped in the Steele for all eternity."

Minjun explains and I only feel more and more burdened upon hearing his words.

"Now tell me the real reason why you wanted to know this," Minjun asked and I was left conflicted, I didn't know if it would be right of me to confess to him or not. If he knows, everyone would have to know, he's a sorcerer, obligated to the kingdom.

"I was just confused, we still haven't received the last portion of the Steele, was looking out for possibilities," I lied and he nodded.

"It is unusual for sure, we should've known by now, well it's all upon fate."

Fate, something that wasn't in my favour right now. I smiled before bowing and leaving the room, my thoughts were killing me. How do I tell all of this to Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook or even Yuqi for that matter. Images of all the people I loved and cared for appeared in my mind. I had only started showcasing my feelings to Jungkook and this happens. 

I almost teared up till I felt a hug behind me. Yuqi's short arms moved me slowly making me feel slightly better.

"Are you better now?" I asked as I hadn't met her since she was still healing under the presence of a dozen white witches. She nods while giving me a wide smile.

"Stop hugging," I heard behind me and felt myself being pulled away from Yuqi as my shoulder touched against a firm chest. Jungkook looked at me before glaring at Yuqi. I felt wronged in so many ways, there were these few who needed me dearly, an entire Kingdom waiting for me and here I was with these thoughts. My breathe hitched as I tried pushing those thoughts away knowing Jungkook could read my mind from the close proximity.

"I wanna rest for a while," I tell Jungkook and he looks at me intently.

"What's wrong?" He asked, eyebrows frowning and I shook my head.

"My legs are giving out and my head hurts," I rapped and he looked at me to see if I was lying.

"Fine, I'll take you to your room, and Yuqi, you're supposed to be resting," Jungkook scolded her and she mocked him in return. Skipping away when he tried to get hold of her.

"C'mon," he said and held my hand firmly. It was dark outside already as I watched the large windows along the corridors, I gazed at our hands, this was the same guy that annoyed me every millisecond and the very fact made me smile inwardly.

"I'll go from here," I said and he turned to look at me, my room was only a feet away.

"Yeah not gonna happen, we're tucking you in," Jungkook said and pulled me after him into my room, the lights were dimmed and he brought me till the edge of my bed.

"Go on, lay down," he said and waited for me. I sighed before going to my pillows and lying on my side.

"Night," he said as he threw the duvets on me before pulling on the hems to make it more secure.

I watched as he left my room and once I knew he left I got out of bed. I went towards the long closet in the room and searched in the drawers till I found what I was looking for. The door opened all of a sudden making me fall on my butt once again but this time, I had a full bottle of vodka in my hands and there stood Jimin and Taehyung who stared between me and the alcoholic beverage.

"What's going on here?"


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now