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The palace for the Gods of Life was nothing like what I imagined, entirely contrast to Jungkook's kingdom, the thought of ruling a place like this made me feel overly anxious but the way I saw it, I needed to be a lot more responsible to my kind.

Jungkook didn't want to waste any time, especially when we weren't supposed to come back to Agartha without the Steele. We needed to leave before the Jungkook's mother, the Queen knew we came back. But as Jungkook reassured, knowing my true ethnicity was far more important.

A place as beautiful as The Garden of Eden rest in front of us, doves flapping their wings as the soared in the bright blue sky, I could see how the alternate energy was causing pains for Jungkook but he tried to hide it well. We had to get done with this as quickly as possible.

My mother, a woman I believed to have been dead for far too many years now stood in front of me, smiling. I had a thousand questions to ask and a million answers to receive but I pushed all of them aside for now.

"I'm not a pure am I?" I ask my mother who now looked away, the small smile on her face never dying but I maintained my composure.

"Your powers have activated so it would be foolish of me to hide anything from you, my little Goddess. Ask me whatever, I'll be honest with you," she told me and her palm went up to hold my cheek while the other hand went on to hold mine as she intertwined our fingers securely.

"What about my father? Why aren't you queen when he died weeks ago?" I asked, my voice stronger than ever before, in a way, I demanded the answer to these questions.

"How can I be a queen when I never married your father my angel? The man you grew up with wasn't your biological father," she tells me and I feel a little push around my chest. My breath hitched but I waited for her to continue.

"You're his heir only because he's your God Father, thus accumulating some of his powers within you, but by blood and soul you belong to your biological father, the man I had you with," she explains and despite the flowing questions recurring in my head, I remain mum.

"Your father and I were Gods when we were engaged but I never loved him, I loved another man who later left me like I was nothing, he only needed me cause I was a God and I was hence, fooled, while you grew in me he left but your God Father held on to you. Of course, he resented me for what I did but he held on to you,"

As I stared at my mother's beautiful face it pained me to see a drop of tear roll down her cheek, I let go of her hand on my wrist and go to rub off the tear stain and she holds on to my hand gently, smiling despite the cascading tears.

"He continued his services on Earth after you were born, forbidding me from ever seeing your lovely face. I knew you had to come back someday and you have no idea just how happy I am to see you right now," she tells me and after a small pause, she pulls me closer to peck my forehead.

"I don't exactly know where your biological father is right now but for sure he's on Earth now that you've been coronated, he merged with another woman, a pureblood from hell."

"Miss, it's not a great time to intervene but do you think he could be the one after the Steele?" Jungkook barges and though I wanted to curse at him I didn't, not when my mother was present here.

"The man always loved power, when he realized I was gonna be unworthy of mine he simply left me with his baby. I can't promise you but if he does have his eyes on the Steele, you two are gonna have a hard time," she said and Jungkook and I nod, the situation dawning upon us a lot more than it did before.

"Why do I have wings though?" I asked her and both Jungkook and mother return their gaze towards me.

"Your biological father, Guem Renjin was a fallen angel,"

- - -

"Fallen angel, black wings, divine powers because of your God Father adding a bit of it's a purity to those and making your wings grey, makes sense," Jungkook voiced out once we teleported back home. I was quiet throughout, to think the man I lived with for 19 years of my life wasn't blood-related to me yet kept me by his side, I felt out of place and unworthy of the title I started to adjust to, did I even deserve to be a God.

Why me of all others? Jungkook has done far worse with his powers but he doesn't go through half the things I do, he was a pureblood unlike me, maybe that's why.

"Thinking back to what your mom said, sounds legit, your own dad didn't want you," Jungkook says and I whip my head towards the man who's smirk dies immediately before he could say anything at all I speak up.

"What about you then? You're legitimate and a pureblood, yet you don't seem to resolve the conflicts with the Queen and accept her as your mother," I spout bitterly, eyes throwing daggers at the man who seemed pushed back by the intensity of my words.

To Jungkook his mother was a sensitive topic, I didn't know what went wrong between them but at the moment I couldn't care less. The boy looked like he could burst in anger and I left him stranded at the living room, striding towards my room and slamming the door behind me.

First I get to know about my birth making me feel overly worthless, then there's him to add a few more spices to make me feel worse. Unlike sadness, I felt enraged. I could've forgotten all about me being illegitimate but to hear him say that only made things worse for me.

I laid myself on my bed, limp as I stared at the ceiling, gulping momentarily. Despite the anger, I felt I hoped the boy was okay. I knew of his issues with his mother and used it against him and that made me feel I did wrong. I felt guilty, useless, and unworthy all at the same time. I moaned at the frustration running over my head and sat upon the bed.

There were around three knocks heard on my bedroom door and I knew Jungkook was on the other side, I was worried nonetheless, I rose up cautiously and walked over to the door, clutching onto the knob before slowly unlocking. I peeked my head out the very tiny gap I left and could barely see the guy, sighing I pushed the door a bit wider and finally saw his face centimeters above mine.

His eyes looked down on me from the other side of the door, face long and I felt the guilt in me rise more. Being a God wasn't easy at all, if anything it was frustrating. I finally let go of the door and walked back towards my bed, folding my legs so they were close to my chest and I looked everywhere around my room but him.

His feet pattered towards my bed and he sat down only few inches away from me, the side of the bed sinking along with him and it was quiet for a while, neither of us willing to start speaking. I bit my lip as my hands rested around my knees, clutching onto my folded legs.

"I'm sorry, Naeri," Jungkook said and I looked up, he wasn't usual to call me by my birth name the way Taehyung and his mother did. He had his back turned and barely looked at me but I knew he was serious.

"I didn't realize how it hurt till you retorted back to me the same way," he said indicating to our previous outbreak. I hummed and let loose of my feet, letting them rest on the bed instead of pulling them towards me. Jungkook turned around, eyes still looking down as I watched him intently.

His fingers kept fumbling as he bit his lips and it was the first time for me to see him this way.

"You know I don't mean half the things I say right-" he continues, pinching his own fingers in embarrassment and I went to hold them. I held onto his fingers and spread the warmth to him, he stopped fumbling and looked up at me. I smiled before looking down at his hands that looked a lot calmer than before and turned back to his face that still looked surprised.

The side of his lips twitched and my pupils dilated by a fraction, images of the childlike grin he always showcased when we were at the park and I craved to see that smile another time. He tried to hold back the little grin appearing small on his face and I could feel how my heartbeat increased at the anticipation. He turned to look down and lifted his head back for me to see.

His eyes twinkling ad the next second the door swung open, shocking both of us.


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now