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One thing I was sad about to come back where I grew up was that Yuqi had to shift back to the shape of a cat, the same black kitten with purple orbs I met first nevertheless, she was still adorable to him. She laid on my lap nuzzling her head around my torso, me smiling at how cute she was till I heard a snicker from next to me.

"Lesbians," Jungkook sounded and scoffed.

"The way I see it, I'm pretty sure lesbians would be way cooler than you," I stated and he glared down at me, he lifts his fist like he was gonna hit the top of my head but Yuqi beat him to it, hissing with her fangs with pride. What surprised me was when he did it back, his fangs protruding out as his eyes glare at the animal.

Both of them creating a dark aura and I couldn't help but shift nervously till Taehyung voiced out, "Stop acting immature Kook".

I looked away, chuckles sounding loud and clear before Jungkook got up and walked around my house, here on Earth.

It felt great to be back home, only a few weeks but I felt like I grew attached to how things were at Agartha, a simple life, based on hierarchy and honesty. Shrugging off the thoughts and focusing on what we were here for I got up, placing Yuqi on the couch instead and patting her head before walking to Taehyung who seemed to be conflicted.

"What's wrong?" I asked him and he took a deep breath, his left hand went up to his forehead, fingers scratching his scalp as he looked at me.

"Is it a bad time to confess that I don't have a plan this time?" He asked me and I just stared at him dumbfounded.

"He never really does so it doesn't matte-"

"Shut up!", me and Taehyung shout at the same time, his face grows smaller as a result of being stopped from speaking before looking away.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"We know that the Steele is under the descendants of hell, problem is at recent there have been many who escaped the wraths of hell because of a certain someone," Taehyung said and glared at Jungkook so I knew who he meant by someone.

"Well, what now?"

"It shouldn't be hard but it'll take a short while to find them. Once we do, Jungkook will do the necessary, that would be banishing them out of Earth and to hell. One of all those people is the one who has the Steele captive,"

"All of this, just for some power," I said and Taehyung nods a small pout and eyebrows slightly knit.

"It isn't just people Zelda, everyone, everything breathing is greedy for power, in whatever form. And these are just devils that need to be put back in their place," Taehyung told me and I nod understanding.

"Dude, look!!" We hear Jungkook screaming from where it sounded like he was in my kitchen. Yuqi peeked her head up at how loud his screech was, at once I and Tae jolted towards the voice, only to find Jungkook sitting yoga style in front of my freezer.

"You told us you didn't know how to activate your element, the fuck is this then?" Jungkook spites at me and I notice that he was pointing at the blobs of ice crystals inside my fridge.

A bit concerned I looked at him confused.

"Jungkook that's a freezer," I said and saw the visible confusion in his face. Turning to Taehyung hoping that he'd be able to explain what a freezer was to Jungkook I was shaken to see he wasn't next to me. Looking back I saw him crouching down to sit next to Jungkook, both of them watching the pieces of ice sticking like daggers from the interiors of my freezer.

Taehyung touched the tip of the ice, flinching when the heat in his fingertip melt some of the ice, his eyes were wide open. It made me amused and scared at the same time.

They looked surprised like the first caveman who discovered that one could start a fire by rubbing stones together. I was amused but worried at the same time. Jungkook lifts his finger following suit, his element was the fire so obviously there had to be some eccentric factor here.

The moment he touched the ice with his fingers a current ran through his body before part of the ice melted, the two brothers laughed out like five-year-old kids who finally finished building a lego house.

I smiled as they hi-fived each other before caressing the blobs of ice again.

If they were this surprised by a freezer, it worried me when I thought of how I was to take care of two grown men in a country like America, Lord help me.


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now