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I felt like my lungs were being constricted, restricted from oxygen as I felt sweat drip vertically till it hit the fabric covering my pillow, it felt like I couldn't move despite whatever I did. I tried voicing my pain, calling for help but my throat felt horribly dry.

A cry left my throat but I felt like my words were being muffled. Dark shadows surrounded my subconscious but I could barely do a thing to avoid them. As they neared me, I felt like any positive energy in me was being cast out, hurting me.

My eyes opened finally after trying my hardest, the tears that remained falling out as soon as my eyelids lifted, blurring my sight. My chest still hurt as I tried lifting myself up, my sights falling on my kitten who was alarmed next to my bed, calming once she saw I was up.

The door to my room in this huge castle dealt a bunch of repeated knocks till I adhered to the noise and in came a worried Taehyung and Minjun.

"The heck did you just do?!" Taehyung asked as I wiped my tears away using my sleeves.

"What do you mean?" I asked genuinely oblivious and he motioned for me to get up. Walking me to my balcony where I saw the usual green grass all muddy as if they'd just been rained on with anguish. The usual reddish-orange sky looking like a lovely shade of blue, air cold and the metal like railings at the foot of my balcony adorned with tiny dewdrops.

My messy hair blew along with the wind and I had to squint my eyes, hugging my shoulders because of the strong winds that usually blow after a storm.

"You did this," I heard from next to me, making me turn to him, confusion spreading through me.

"I don't understa-"

"Something triggered your subconscious, it retorting to cause this damage," Minjun spoke and I watched him, obviously not believing him. Before I could talk him out of it he turned to face me.

"I'm not joking here Naeri, the flowing river of Agartha, it rose up and crashed back down while you were resting. The winds we're experiencing right now are the aftermath of it," he explained and I felt how my eyebrows knot together at the things I was asked to believe.

"You're days away from accumulating your full potential, events like this can slow down and ruin it. This is why you need to tell us what you did to cause something so powerful," he said, looking at me expectantly and I turned to Taehyung who eyed me the whole time before starting to share with them what happened in my dream.


"Stop already," I heard someone call from behind me, making me lick my fangs inside my mouth, soothing them so that they didn't show up now, a habit I grew on to ever since dad talked me into working hard for the throne.

"Not helping Tae," I replied before punishing the man in front of me. The next one entering the gates of hell, this was my job as of now before I would rule over the Dead, sending their impure souls to hell.

The only difference, instead of sending one human at a time, I got a little carried away.

"You can't be feeding off their sins to throw away your sorrow Jungkook," He said to me, obviously seeing right through me. Why is it that those of your blood relation absentmindedly hurt you more than those you aren't even related to?

I watched as the man crushed to his knees before he blew away like ash, his skull being the last to turn to flames as his soul cried out, blaring before vanishing into thin air.

"She's only been here for less than a week and Mother treats her like her own," I said, biting my tongue before sighing, letting out my fangs proudly unable to hold onto pain any longer.

"She's not at fault for this, you hear me? Naeri isn't responsible for something that has been custom here for ages," Tae spoke out and I snickered. Turning around I saw how he watched my every move, ready to hold me back if I did anything stupid and that annoyed me.

"I'll be back, don't come after me," I told him sternly before leaving the room and walking out the room to where my feet took me.

'She is everything our world needs right now,' the thought of mother's choice of words made me scoff. Not the fact that she loved Zelda, not the fact that Zelda being here ruined some things for me, the fact that despite everything I did I still wasn't Number 1 in my mother's eyes hurt my pride.

The winds blew profusely and I whispered a slight curse knowing she was the one who caused it, once she knows how to use her powers I wouldn't be surprised if mother disowned me to swoon over Zelda.

I kept walking, my steps bringing me closer to the flowing river, the grass was still a bit mushy from the huge downpour but that didn't matter. I could see Zelda around the corner but I didn't make a sound, not wanting my presence to be known.

I sat down on the grass and the calm setting caused my fangs to retreat back, my skin grew pale compared to the earlier tan, something that happened when I was turning to my true form, as a shield against heat.

Shutting my eyes I breathed in the scent of that gloomy night beside a stream so beautiful. My eyebrows furrowing when I heard feet pattering closer to me till I felt her sit next to me. 


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now