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"Are we ready?" I ask as I see Zelda arranging the parts of the Steele safely into a wooden box.

"Yeah, where's Yuqi?" Zelda asked and I looked around. Jimin was seated on the couch and looked confused as well.

"I'll check in all of the rooms," Jimin said and marched to the nearest room. A large thud was heard and I turned my head to the window right next to the front door.

A hand, bloodied and wounded in all sides, slipped down the window frame and I heard Zelda speak behind me.

"Yuqi?" Zelda said and her face went pale in less than a second as realization hit her and she ran to the front door, unlocking it as fast as possible and I quickly went after.

Zelda opened the door and her breath hitched. She was pushed behind and as her body fell into my arms I noticed the man who was right outside the front door. Jimin's step father, he smirked before running for his car. I was in shock when I looked down to Zelda, her body weight resting on my chest and blood dripping down her torso.

"Jimin!" I yelled and he came out, seeing Zelda he too was surprised and ran to me.

"Hold her, find out what happened I'll be back in five minutes," I said and gently handed Zelda over to him, her body fell weakly and her lips quivered as she held onto her rib.

Shaking the image of her hurting I ran out, my eyes landing on the faint body of Yuqi, she laid limp in front of the house, blood around her body as she laid in her human form.

I activated my powers and saw the man's car take the next turn, using my powers to their extreme I ran, the streets were rather empty making it easier for me and I was inches away from his car. I rubbed my fingers against the inside of my palm as I cast my spells and threw pits of hot flames on the tires, making the car slid till it stopped in place, not waiting I immediately wreatched out the doors of the car. My fangs grew out rapildy and I watched as the man looked at me in horror, his wrinkles more defined when he did so.

I held onto his collar and drew him out forcefully. Looking around before dragging him to the nearest closed space. I shoved him roughly on the wall and his lips quivered but in fear.

"What did you do?" I asked but he remained silent.

"You stole something as divine as the Steele, then had the audacity to harm a Goddess, you deserve nothing but a death sentence," I saw, voice growling from the anger I felt.

"Who are you to decide whether I deserve to live or not?" He asked, his voice barely coming out from my strong hold on his throat.

"The God of Death."

My hands on his neck, heat up like fire and I watch as his skin melts, life disappearing slowly as his eyes turned void, mouth hung open and when I knew he breathed his last, I dropped him on the floor. He writhed for a bit before he choked on the bits of oxygen left in him.

Not wasting anymore time with him, I run off to the house to see Yuqi in the house too, Yuqi looked somehow better and I turned to Jimin.

"I could help Yuqi but, Zelda isn't making any progress at all," Jimin said, his voice holding defeat in them.

"Whatever he used has been buried deep between her second and fifth rib, her heart is right next to the thoraic cavity which has been harmed, I can't even take the foreign particle out without killing her," Jimin said and I could feel my rage and powers calming down.

"We need to go back quickly, we're not safe in this hellhole," I said and bent down to Yuqi, who seemed awake but in atmost pain.

"Can you help us this time, we can't stay here any longer Yuqi," I say as I hold onto her bruised cheek, her doe eyes look up to me through the pain but she nods her head, lifting herself slightly up and reaching out to hold our hands.

I nod to Jimin and he holds Zelda's limp hand while Yuqi holds the other and the two of them hold my hands before we shut our eyes and feel the similar wave run through our body.

I frowned before opening my eyes, my head hurting when I saw Zelda, still in pain as her head laid on Yuqi's shoulder.

"Let me hold her," I tell Yuqi and she gently hands over Zelda to me, I make sure I don't hurt her anywhere, especially around her ribs.

"Jimin," I call out as we were only seconds away from entering my castle. He turns back to me while holding onto Yuqi.

"Zelda's father is the highest of fallen angels, I'm sure you must know him," I tell Jimin and he nods.

"Make sure he stays away from her."

- - -

"She will live but I can't promise she'll get better all too soon," Minjun said, the white witches were done taking care of Zelda and Yuqi. While Yuqi was awake and breathing, Zelda still laid motionless in the vintage bed.

"What truly happened?" I asked Minjun and he took a deep breath in.

"Its the bone of a sacred demon, the sharp end of it was pushed way too close to her heart. It was hard enough to get it out without hurting her so it's only right that we wait patiently for her to recover,"Minjun said and pat my upper arm before leaving.

"She's a God too Jungkook, she will heal fast, I know she will," Jimin said as he pat my back and I nod.

"I knew he'd attack us, I just didn't think he would go so far," Jimin said, mentioning his step father and a pang of guilt hit me.

"I killed him," I confessed to Jimin who didn't react at first, his head fell to look at the floor and he gulped before nodding.

"That's the punishment for all his deeds, I shouldn't feel sad about it," Jimin said, maturity lacing in his voice and I could now see why Zelda was closer to Jimin.

"Why can I not meet my own daughter?!" We heard behind us and turned to see Renjin, he pushed away some of the white witches before Minjun held onto the man to stop him.

I marched forward to the older man and held onto him before he could push through me.

"Your daughter?" I said and scoffed.

"What right do you have to be yelling like this now? You're daughter almost died, where were you then?" I yelled at him, rage getting the best of me.

"You may be God but you're no one to push a father away from his daughter," he spout and I pushed him off, earning a glare from him.

"If you really care about her, come back after she wakes up, let her rest while she's in there," I said and watched him to see if he really heeded to my words.

"Take care of her," he said, catching me offguard, Renjin dusted his shoulders before he pursed his lips and left the place.


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now