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The days went by faster in Agartha than I expected them to, Naeri was yet to fully heal but she was getting by well, her and Jungkook had their little moments making me and Tae in awe of the two most of the time. Things were just, happy.

The last few days Naeri had gotten quieter and everytime I tried approaching the girl she always tried changing the topic. At least she spoke to Jungkook, I was happy she shared her worries with another person.

The palace was quiete when I walked around the dungeons that Taehyung showed me around, the hallways felt isolated for the last few days, melancholic and just empty. I could hear whimpers and pages ripping from one of the rooms and fighting my inner self I walked to the room.

The door was barely open but I could clearly see Renjin's back shaking as he whimpered, it sounded like he had a book in hand from the number of pages he had been ripping. I opened the door wider making him turn to look at me, as soon as our eyes met he hid the book away but that wasn't important to me.

"What's got you like this?" I asked, my voice sounding ruder than I ought it to be.

He wiped his tears away, eyes pitch black and I knew he was in his fullest form of a fallen angel at the moment.

"Leave while you have time," he said and I scoffed, my eyes turning to their natural red shade.

"As far as I know a hellhound has more power than a fallen angel." I said, a sigh left my mouth as I shook my head and sat down beside him.

"Why are you still around here?" I asked him honestly.

"You seem close to my daughter," Renjin said and I looked at him.

"You didn't answer my question," I reminded and he tightened his jaw.

"Let me, all I want is to see my daughter for as long as I can, once the Queen knows-"

"What is this about now?" I asked and he took his head between his palms, enveloping his fingers along locks of his hair in frustration.

"Did it never occur along your mind why the last piece of the Steele is still missing?" Renjin asked and I frowned.

"The diary I had in my hand right now, it was what Naeri's mother wrote for me, to tell me that my first offspring would be cursed. I was the first one to eye the power of the Steele till it got out of my hands but of course, now the Steele is gonna put it's wrath upon my offspring," Renjin cried out.

"If only I remained a faithful husband to Jiwon and didn't fall for Naeri's mother Hyeri, if only I didn't exist," Renjin shook as he teared up and Jimin could feel the back of his head hurt by just hearing his pained voice.

"I hurt way too many women in my life, and now there's nothing I can do to avoid my baby from dying," Renjin croaked out and Jimin out of pure love and kindness, spread out his arms. Though he hated the man just as much he couldn't help but warm his heart when he saw the old man cry like that. He embraced the shaking man and felt a lightning like feeling run through his veins. His own eyes teared up while Renjin choked on his own tears.

Jimin pulled away almost instantly, visions enveloping his brain as he watched the man intently. He lifted himself up and got out of the room. The young boy walked all the way to Naeri's room where she was resting with Jungkook. On reaching their room Jimin's eyes softened to see Jungkook caressing the girl's hair in his sleep. His heart warmed up to see the girl sleeping not knowing the huge hurricane that was on his way.

While Renjin confessed his heart out to Jimin there was another, listening to their conversation. And it was only by bad luck that it had to be the Queen.

"Get the man out of his room, and start the preparations for the mortal ceremony, we won't lose the Steele again, never again."


Damn some drama coming up I see.

𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now