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"What just happened?" I asked Taehyung who gave me a nervous laugh, I was already doubting these two even had any part to all the dreams I had been having lately, they just seemed too distant to the characters I was warned about.

"I'll explain everything but first take us somewhere we can't be detected," he said and I nod, the few people passing by growing progressively.

"What about him?" I asked and Taehyung sighed as he watched his friend sprawled over on the floor, legs spread in an absurd position and we could hear people snickering.

"I'll deal with him, you lead the way," Taehyung states, and I start walking, looking over to see if they could catch up, almost smiling when I saw Taehyung doing whatever he could to drag his bulkier friend.

It took us a few minutes but with the way Taehyung was being dramatic it almost felt like an hour, not paying heed to his cries I went on walking, the exteriors of my house soon coming to the view and I walked faster.

- - -

"Had you been feeling some type of way for the past few days? I mean, a burning sensation of some sort or maybe body aches,"

"Both," I said shortly and he nods while looking over at his friend who was still lying on my couch.

"It's probably the attractive forces between the two polar ends of life,"

"I asked you to explain not confuse me further," I deadpanned and he chuckled before shifting to sit straight up, folding his arms before questioning.

"How much do you know about your parents?" He asked and I felt myself getting annoyed by the very question, huffing before looking away from him.

"Not much," I said quietly and he sighed.

"Zelda, if we need to help you, you need to understand your origins first but sadly, I'm not the right person to tell you. Anyhow what exactly did you see in your dreams?" I shifted uncomfortably, not expecting him to be so direct with his question.

Before I could answer him I noticed how his eyes darkened, to a deep shade of maroon and his arms showed visible goosebumps and I knew those weren't a reflex against fear, this simple aura of his screamed dominance and I felt myself in conflict while trying to figure out what went wrong.

"Who lives here apart from you?" He asked, his voice deeper than before to the point where I could hear the husk clear in his vocal chords, his stare sent jolts across my body and I shook my head slowly.

"I live alone here with Yuqi,"

Just as I mentioned her name, purrs and little feet made its way into the room, I could see that Yuqi looked alarmed as she hid herself behind my feet, nuzzling her head into my calf and Taehyung looked as if he could pounce right at her.

"Ah," I heard from afar and turned to see Jungkook who was now rubbing his eyes, soon clutching onto his forehead. He used his arms for support and he rose up, manspreading on my couch and I looked back at Taehyung whose attention was on Jungkook for now.

Yuqi hadn't moved away, still keeping herself hidden behind me despite how I tried to comfort her.

"We did it, I guess," I heard Taehyung say and Jungkook looked at him through hooded eyes.

"I don't feel it Hyung," he said weekly and Taehyung looked puzzled.

"That's not possible," he said shortly and looked at me for a second.

"She's totally fine then why is it just you?" He asked Jungkook and I was genuinely confused here. I bent down, picking Yuqi up regardless and placed her on my chest where she hid her face at the crook of my neck. Her soft hairs tickled my neck and I looked back at the duo, Jungkook looked like he was in pain, face pale and sweaty.

"Is there something I can do?" I asked softly as they went on speaking about things I had no clue of. Taehyung turned walking towards me, his demeanor had changed completely from when I first saw him at uni.

"Have you ever heard of Agartha?" he asked catching me offguard and I thought back to where I heard that name.

"The legendary city at the centre of the earth, yeah vaguely," I replied and he nod.

"Sorry if this hurts," I heard and the very next second, I felt a sharp pain revolve around my ribs, contracting it in a way that disabled my breaths, it hurt worser than all the pain I went through the past few days, my face grew hotter as the blood rushed to my face, Yuqi went wild on my lap, not knowing what to do and thats the last thing I saw before my body fell on the cold floors, the contractions grew and I felt myself lose my consciousness.

"We're bringing her back,"


Agartha - Legendary city at the centre of the earth. Here, where lost souls and opposite ends (life and death) meet.

𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now