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"They're back, Sire," I heard from behind me while I had my mind accompanied by the man in front of me, another hellhound who thought he could get to me. My hands kept pulling tight on the rope at regular intervals, pulling on his sensitive little organs to make him feel the pain my people had.

"You guys are no match for me," I told him, disregarding all of the muffled screams he let out because of the napkin crunched up between his teeth. One last pull and a painful screech before I let go of him, blood all over his seat making me feel better.

Rising up and turning away from the man I ran my fingers through my hair before nodding at the one who came to call me. 

As I walked through the hallways with the said man, a dear henchman of mine, he led me to the darker depths of the hall. The sorceress had her palms over the crystal ball as she chanted a verse I heard of since childhood. Her eyes looked up and I met her golden orbs before she got up, leaving the room to me and the man with me.

He motioned me to sit where I was seated before and I did, the room now only consisting of me and my henchman. The room was set in a dark aura, for a reason of course. The dark emitted in the room was giving more grace to the crystal ball in front of me.

Pushing my head closer to the beauty, I ran my palm through it, just one slide of my palm that hovered over the object and I could see shades of people.

Two of whom I knew beforehand, one of them being someone I wasn't expecting.

The crystal mirrors showed me their figures, as though they were having a conversation but I couldn't hear their words. As much as I was shocked, I was only more pleased to know my enemies were an inch closer to me.

"Now that you're stronger, it's going to be way more fun to have you begging in front of me, Naeri," I muttered as I watched her with the two boys.

- - -


"Who on Agartha puts milk before Cereal? This is blasphemous!" Jungkook exclaimed while I silently enjoyed my cereal.

"You're on earth now, you need to let go of Agarthean slangs for a while, or else the people here are gonna find you weird," I said after slurping the last bit of milk straight from the bowl before getting up and tossing the cutleries into the dishwasher.

"Now that you've eaten, we can start with the meditation before we get to casting spells," Taehyung informed as he came after me to the kitchen. I stuck my hand out for him to give me his bowl before I placed it in the dishwasher.

"What does he do throughout the while?" I asked as I pointed towards Jungkook, who was currently staring at the legos I hadn't used in a while. It took me a moment to realize he was staring at it. He was using his powers to melt it. Taehyung looked to his direction and I could swear I saw the 'disappointed but not surprised' look on his face.

"I'm afraid he might start troubling the humans out there for the fun of it but we don't have much of a choice. You both are Gods for the next many generations and I can't afford to put either of you in danger. So it's only sensible to move together," he told me and I nod understanding.

"Well I'll get changed and then we can leave," I let him know and he goes to inform Jungkook too.

I don't put much of an effort as I knew my clothes could get wet while casting spells with how reckless I could get. Simple jeans and a hoodie worked for now. When I went out of my room I was pleased to see that I was the first to finish getting ready.

"Let's go!" Taehyung exclaimed and I tried to stop myself from smiling. Jungkook himself has adorned in an emerald hoodie and white ripped jeans. It reminded me of when I asked the two men to not overdo with the black leather tight pants and shirt on earth the way they did in Agartha.

We reached closer to the local park and made sure to stick towards the fountains where I could work better. Jungkook looked genuinely happy, something I'd never seen before. I never saw him among children, always causing trouble for the older ones and sometimes inanimate objects, the sight of him smiling at the little kids who ran around was heartwarming in some kind of way.

I shrugged the thoughts away, pushing my fists further down my pockets before looking away from Jungkook only to have a very teasing Taehyung staring at me. His eyebrows waved weirdly as his smile stretched past his cheeks while his orbs travelled between me and Jungkook.

Raising one of my eyebrows I looked away from the guy, looking back at him to playfully hit his upper arms. He laughed heartily and I saw how his eyes almost shut with the smile.

"Yeah no more fooling around, we need to start getting our work down," Taehyung said seriously and I nod, as Taehyung kept talking I couldn't help but take small gazes at Jungkook who looked fond of the kids around the swings. He pushed them till tears fell down their closed lids as they laughed out from the adrenaline rush.

I looked away from him before he could see me and paid attention to whatever Tae taught me. Agarthean spells were tough not gonna lie.


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now