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"Were you always that much of a loner?" Jimin asked with a small chuckle while I was full of giggles.

"Well, no one took me seriously the moment I talked about witches and sorcerers that popped into my dreams so they just stayed away from me, you were a pain in the neck though," I sassed and watched him leave his mouth agape in shock.

"Come here you, I'll show you what a real pain in the neck is like-" Jungkook laughed as Jimin tried tickling me and I got him back by tickling him. Loud knocks were heard on the door and I pulled myself away, a series of chuckles heard till I walked to my front door and opened it to see two of Minjun's sorcerers and Minjun himself.

I winced in pain as the two other sorcerers, with Minjun leading them, walked to the flowing river next to Jungkook's Kingdom. The skies were a mix of red and grey and clouds stormed around to the point where it looked like the skies were agonizing.

A whimper left the my mouth when I was thrown down on my knees. I turned to look behind me to see a translucent barrier between me and the rest of the kingdom, everyone I knew were on the other side of the barrier, I could see their figures through the translucent wall but none of their faces, a cry left my mouth when I could clearly see Jungkook's physique but not be able to see his face.

Was he angry? Was he crying? I felt a hand being placed on the top of my head and I turned to look at Jungkook's mother, the Queen. She has always been so nice and motherly to me that now, I didn't know who I was looking at it.

"How long have you known about this Naeri?" She asked, her voice deeper than usual.

I remained quiet, my eyes burned and I could feel myself tearing up, did it all have to end this way?

"Tell me," she asked again, still polite.

"A week," I said and noticed just how she tightened her jaw in rage.

"Do you have anything to say against what is to happen to you now?" She asked, looking as the skies stormed, cloud crashing against clouds giving rise to overly loud thunders.

"No," I whispered but loud enough for her to hear, at my answer the sorcerers that held me on my knees let go of my shoulder and walked to the side.

"We should start my Queen, the skies are enraging already," Minjun reminded Jungkook's mother and I closed my eyes shut. I couldn't escape what was to happen anymore.

"Call that fallen angel of a father," the Queen said and Minjun walked to the translucent wall on the grounds of their Kingdom, he cast a spell and a part of the wall melted away, allowing Renjin to enter the space, the walls reattached themselves on the very next second.

"Minjun shall be of help to you, but I'm assuming you know the rites," the Queen asked Renjin who nod right after, what shocked me were the man's eyes, bloodshot and teary, seeing him like that made me lower my head, knowing my time had come.

I felt dizzy from all the things that were going on and it was hard to stay knelt down but I did it somehow. I could hear spells being casted and the thunders grow louder, parts of lightning hitting the flowing river and the next thing I know is some of the water splashes on to me, the waters moved side to side and the ground shook slightly, thunders sounding lowder than ever but I could still hear the spells being casted.

Renjin's voice kept growing muffled from his tears and I could feel how with his spells progressed, I felt a burning sensation in my heart. The lightning hit the water once again, much louder and stronger making the water rise higher this time, I closed my eyes as the huge wave of water drenched a bit of the ground and fell mostly on the translucent wall behind me.

It slowly melt down and Renjin was almost done with his spells, I felt my head hurt terribly till my knees gave in and I fell to my side, my eyes blacking out and I shut them, feeling my consciousness leave me completely.


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now