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I recalled the last few things that Taehyung told me this morning.

"She is a university student. Oh, and she goes by an English name over there, so it might be a bit hard for you to find her. Right now, she is living in America."

"Getting the stele back would be very hard. There are many rich mafias that want to get their dirty hands into the diamond, so according to them, you are stealing the diamond for them. When they see that you are keeping the diamond for yourself, they might attack you too."

Ughhh!! Why do I  need to go through all of that trouble for a stupid human?


I took a deep breath after having thrown up into the bowl, my stomach burning like never and it only worried me more. This had become a ritual in the past few days, chest pains, back pains, and a good old headache. The day had been shitty already, I took up my backpack and covered my face with the black facemask I always carried around, my jet black hair hiding underneath my hoodie.

The corridor was empty for the moment, meaning class started long back, there were a few that bunked, seemingly wandering about. Hands in the pockets of my hoodie I walked all the way to the clinic, not wanting to see the teacher's usual disappointment.

"Sick again?" the nurse asked and I just laid on one of the beds without uttering a word, hearing her sigh before continuing to attend the patient she was busy with.

- - -

I could barely walk, my stomach burning like before but I did whatever to keep walking, only wanting to finally reach the confines of my house.

My eyes softening when I saw the exterior of my house, immediately being filled with warmth. I unlocked the front door, getting in and turning the lights. Didn't take me a second to fall on the couch flat. My hands rubbed my belly to ease the pain I had been feeling in the past few days. This was getting worse with each day.

I felt something wet on my feet and rose up to see my little Yuqi, the black kitten that was left in front of my door a few months back, she had beautiful purple eyes that made my heart melt, the pains I felt all over moments ago were drifting away as I picked her up, placing her on my lap. Her head went to nuzzle at the crook of my neck and a smile adorned my face.


I ran as hard as I could if only I could obliterate these tattoo freaks, I was denied my powers until I managed to find her. Leaving me with nothing, I was a mere human with no powers until I found the girl.

Turning back I saw how I finally lost those men that chased after me, I was eavesdropping on them cause it was fun. I bet Taehyung was laughing his ass off up in hell. I looked up, my chest heaving as I glared at the sky, knowing he could see me from up there.

I felt heat develop in my body and knew I was closer to her if only I could find her. I could get my powers back and quickly go back home. Feeling a gush of air I looked up to see something that looked like a stick, my eyes widening when I realized that stick was the figure of a man, more specifically, my br-

The ground shook slightly and I could hear little whimpers as he rubbed his butt, that was one painful fall. I snickered instead of helping and he looked up at me, eyes throwing daggers.

"I was watching you through the crystal ball, laughing. Dad saw and banished me too," He confessed pouting and I scoffed, bending down to help him up.

"I'm assuming you have some powers?"

"I ain't sharing." He stated and started walking, not even looking back at me.

"Hyung!" I yelled and he started to run off leaving me behind, eyes widening I ran after, afraid I'll come across any other humans. 


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now