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Teeth gnashing and blood splatters surrounded him as he walked down the narrow aisle, full of mighty power and an inexplicable aura surrounding him. His feet stepping on the souls of those dead, cruelty spreading with each breath he exhaled. Regardless he walked, closing him from all of the screams that begged for mercy.

He took one big step, seated himself on the ultimate throne from where he was able to see it all, family killing each other as if they meant nothing to each other, lifeless bodies on the grounds in a pool of blood that wasn't even theirs.

Smirking at the destruction he raised his hand, white light blaring out of the lines on his palm, the calming white radiant burning any living thing alive till there were only ashes left. The sky pitch black as smoke and ash infiltrated it. Proud of his masterpiece he went for his last, victim to the sight of all destruction of mankind.

She fell to her knees, powerless as he controlled her very being. With a single movement of his hand, the girl felt her throat being scratched from the inside, blood splattering from her eyes and mouth as she choked out for dear life. She fell with a thud, the white halo on the top of her head disappearing as he watched her body shiver through the pain.

I woke abruptly, my head aching with the intensity and I had to rub the back of my head to soothe the pain. What was that? Shaking my head I tried to rid of even the slightest of memory of the events that took place in my head.

Rising off the bed I lift my shirt that laid sprawled on the bed, pulling it over not bothering to button up. I walked towards my balcony, breathing in the familiar scent of flames and lavender. I could see a figure next to the river despite the dark outside - Zelda.

She kept trying to revive her powers, my sensitive hearing enabled me to hear her words as she carelessly tried revising the spells she was given. Sighing I turned, the dream I had minutes ago filling my headspace again. I groaned with the pain it left within me.


"Try again," Minghao said, desperation clear in his voice. He had to make me perfect in the coming week or he'll be terminated from his position, it took me a while to understand that termination in Agartha meant disappearing to dust and it wasn't as simple as it sounded.

I lift my hands again, my eyes solely on the glass of water in front of me, spouting the spells I learned and straining my entire system while trying to connect with the still water. Yuqi was still here, watching me and every time I turned to her she only smiled to encourage me.

The feeling of guilt invaded me profusely but I held it in.

"Why can't you try harder?" Jungkook said, speaking the minds of the sorcerers and I bit the inside of my cheek. We had been here for over five hours, having started this first thing in the morning, it was past noon now. I dropped my hand down, sighing, the feeling of bile around my throat making me bite the inside of my lips as I felt overly useless. My throat dry to the point where even gulping wasn't possible.

"Not all of us were trained since birth you know," I snapped at him who seemingly raised his eyebrow, his jaw tightening and Yuqi put her head down.

"You've been here for three days, doing the same thing over and over again. If you still don't get the hang of it then you're just plain stupid," Jungkook snapped back and I felt tears threatening at the corner of my eyes.

'Stupid' a word that I had been using on myself a lot in the past few days. I tried, I know I did.

"I'll be back," I said to Minjun, the second sorcerer in command, and waited to watch him accept my words, once I knew he was fine with it I left, not looking back even when I heard Jungkook slip his usual comments at me.

I opened the door to leave, knocking shoulders with Taehyung who was probably about to go in.

Rushing my way to the river outside, I stood there, staring off into the view. The tears already dried up and I was glad no one had to see me that way. The atmosphere still humid as winds blew left and right.

'Why can't I just get it right?' I thought to myself.

I walked closer to the river, bending to be able to touch the flowing water. The feeling sending jolts down my skin and I closed my eyes, feeling the familiar burn in my eyes. A single tear cascaded down my cheek bent up frustration and the feeling of being a disappointment leaving me as the tear rolled down, falling into the river.

My eyes opened as the loss of the electric feeling around my fingers, opening my eyes I noticed how the streams stopped. The river water that always flowed in high speed now calm as a pond, no movement at all. I didn't realize when but a second tear rolled down my cheek, this time my eyes being open wide.

I watched how my tear fell on the still river, at once the stream started flowing in its natural speed. Feeling stuck with awe I watched the beautiful river, confusion, and happiness hitting me at the view.

Hopping up I ran all the way to the Sorcerer's room, the whole path I ran across disappearing behind me as I ran in high speed, wanting to share what I discovered.

I slammed the door open, chest heaving at the lack of oxygen, and Minjun looked at me like I was crazy.

"I did something, I think?"


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now