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Zelda was seated on the grass outside her kingdom, talking to one of the angels, the most quiet yet imaginative.

"What if giraffes were just as small as puppies but with longer heads, would they be as important as they are today on earth," the little kid who was called Inu spoke and Zelda smiled in thought.

"There are many insignificant things on earth that most people idolise or worship, material or physical but they still do, we can't stop them all can we?" Zelda asked the little one who smiled wide before looking towards his hands, people here on Agartha didn't have the little lines that you see on your palms, their palms were empty.

You call these lines your life lines, love lines, heart line but people in Agartha live on and on, and so their palms never formed these astrological lines. Though this alternate world was fun to live in, it was simply lonely.

A large gush of wind hit Zelda's face making her frown, till she heard a large sound from the entrance of her castle. Bewildered she teleported, finding herself in the main room where the sound came from. Some of the angels and fairies surrounded something, peeking at Zelda's curiosity even further.

She slipped against the little angels only to see the boy she missed for the last hundred years.

"Jungkook?" Her voice broke in sadness when she saw his body on the floor, blood escaping his chest.

He didn't move one bit and so Zelda was forced to imagine the worst.

She knelt down, wondering why no one else was here yet, did they not hear the loud noise, Zelda bent down, grabbing Jungkook's face and placing her fingers by his neck, his breathing was stable but very slow. Her heart drummed in her chest, she didn't know what to do. She felt her eyes sting, he was a fellow God, full of power and might, she wasn't sure if she has the energy to heal someone like him either. A cry left her mouth when she realized she couldn't do anything helpful despite being Goddess, she could only heal those of her kind or weaker, Jungkook was none of those.

The one tear that managed to escape fell down her cheek as she watched his pale face.

He opened his eyes in a blink and smirked, winking at the girl like olden times and Zelda was stuck in her position, anger and happiness racing to get to her first and to her luck, she was mad. Her hands that were holding his cheeks delicately now pushed down to his neck where she choked him.

"Bitch you deserve the death sentence," Jungkook though choking maintained his cheeky smile as he placed his hand over the bloody mess around him and healed himself.

Once he was done his hands held the girl's waist while remaining on the floor.

"Did little Zelda get scared?" He asked and she left his throat in anger.

"Ughh, I hate you, go to hell!" She yelled spitefully, making his eyebrows widen.

"Oh honey isn't that exactly where I've come from?" Jungkook said and before she could attack him a second time, Jungkook's hold on her waist tightened as he pulled her in for a kiss.

All the little kids shut their eyes, some of the fairies squealing while most of the little angels ran away in fright.

The kiss was soft yet full of love, something Zelda had missed for a whole century, Jungkook reassuringly rubbed his hand around her waist to calm her down. When he pulled away he came to feel her tear drop on him.

"Damn you missed me too much didn't you?" Jungkook said and laughed to himself as Zelda pinched his nipples making him scream.

* * *

"The ceremonial rites shall begin, I call upon the oldest of the two kingdoms," Jungkook's mother said and I turned to my mother who happened to be the oldest of our kingdom, she walked to the front holding the Queen's hand as they closed their eyes.

"Jungkook and Naeri, stand face to face and bow your heads," she continued.

I did as she said, looking up only momentarily to see Jungkook blow a kiss before chucking to himself. I rolled my eyes, looking down at the floor as my head was bowed.

"I condemn these two kingdoms to merge, that all the sorrows and happiness of the two kinds be shared despite their differences, boys would be brothers and girls will be sisters to each other as they coexist, and together we make Agartha stronger under the influence of our Gods," she spoke and all of us could clearly feel how the winds grew stronger, shoving open all the windows and the winds blew inside the castle where we stood, the skies outside were grey as the spell came together.

Angels and Demons, all of them knelt down to cast their spells, eyes shut as they all held hands despite the forces of negative and positive energies burning each other's skin but they kept themselves focused despite the pain they felt.

"The Gods and Godesses trapped in the Steele, help us as we unite for all eternity," my mother casted the final spell and all the light around us went out on an instant, the skies that we could see out the windows were pitch black and so was the room till a few minutes when all the lights returned.

Little angels and demons touched each others fingertips, laughing when they felt the small current passing through their touch. There was an atmosphere of happiness and acceptance.

"Now that our kingdoms are merged, your responsibilities only go larger, I hope you're ready to take that upon yourselves," my mother told the two of us Gods who nod their heads in understanding, confidence filling our cups up to the brim.

"We will give up our souls if we have to in order that we may be able to save our kind," Jungkook and Naeri said together and smiled at the older women.

* * *

"What now?" Zelda asked as she and Jungkook were seated above the castle roof, reminding them of their time in Jungkook's kingdom.

"I rule just like before, but with someone to guide me now," Jungkook answered making Zelda smile.

"You know two Gods can't have feelings for each other don't you," Zelda said, knowing exactly why he pulled all this off in the first place.

"You would've done the same for us only some time later cause you got more patience to spare, I don't," Jungkook sassed and Zelda nudged his shoulder.

"And no one cares about marriage here Naeri, we can love for all eternity and not one can question us, we can still be the Gods while being together and helping each other,"

"I'd like that too," Zelda said, keeping her head on his shoulder while he kept the side of his head on hers.

"I love you," they said together catching them both offguard as they laughed under the darkness of the sky, ready to deliver their most just for Agartha, the place where demons and angels, coexist.

The End

I once had the worst writers block for this story but I noticed just how many people wanted this book to be more elaborate and so I changed the entire plot and started all over again, I was afraid people would leave the book after the plot changed a full 180 degrees but I was so touched to see that you guys enjoyed it regardless, thank you for reading till the end, this book is finally over after two freaking years, damn, I started this book in 2018 and restarted this last year.

Hope it was fun♥️♥️

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