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I felt pain growing all over my body, like I wasn't able to move myself on my own will but despite all of the pain I opened my eyes, flinching at the amount of light that entered my eyes, I knew I was in Jungkook's kingdom by the intensity of the lights around me. Slowly I lifted my eyelids welcoming a genuine eye smile.

"Jimin?" I mumbled, wincing as my throat was as dry as a drought.

"Yes my Goddess," he said, a little quirkiness evident in his voice and I breathed out feeling the pain around my upper body ease.

"What's with the rigidity around me?" I asked as I felt a weight pushing my chest down.

"Those must be the bandages, you're gonna have to leave them on for a while, if you're feeling a slight paralysis, don't be worried, that's just the side effects from the weapon," Jimin explained kindly and I nodded.

"A little help please," I said, not being able to believe how dependant I'd become as I shook my head. Jimin snickered small before moving closer to me and holding on to my shoulder to help make me sit upright.

"You'll heal fast Naeri," Jimin assured me and I nodded with my lips pursed.

"What happened while I was out?" I asked him and he blinked a bit taken aback.

"Well, we wouldn't be troubled by my dad anymore for sure," Jimin said, a bit of guilt lacing with his words.

"Jungkook?" I asked.

"Yes, there's nothing in it to blame him for though, he was right in what he did," Jimin said.

"Were you two okay?" I asked and Jimin smiled.

"Yes," he answered.

"Jungkook is out dealing with Renjin," at the name of my father I felt something I couldn't explain, I bit my inner cheek hoping my father didn't mess up once again.

"Hey," Jimin called out and I looked up at him. His eyes went down to my shaking hand and he held it firmly.

"Nothing is going to change that fact that he is your father, you're someone with immense authority Naeri, please don't feel guilty over his mistakes, he doesn't define the kind of woman you are, neither does it define how great of a Goddess you would be," Jimin said, his calm voice made me nod my head as I looked down at my hand, it had stopped shaking and Jimin lifted his hand that held mine to pat the top of my head.

The door opened wide and we turned to see Jungkook whose eyes immediately fell on Jimin's hand, still hovering the top of my head. I could see him rubbing his tongue on the inside of his cheek before he sighed and motioned us to look beside him.

Renjin entered after Jungkook, he had his head down till he was in the room and looked up to me.

"May I speak to you?" He asked and Jimin stood up straight, in a way, blocking Renjin from me.

"What is it that you want to talk about?" I asked.

"It's something private, nothing to worry about," he spoke and nothing showed lies making me want to agree to him.

"Let him be here Jungkook," I said and Jungkook frowned before looking between us.

"Can they leave?" Renjin asked and I thought for a few seconds before responding.

"Jimin is my acquaintance, he will be here, Jungkook," I call out and he nods before leaving Renjin, me and Jimin in the room.

Renjin comes closer and sits down where Jimin was seated moments ago while Jimin stands only inches away from us.

Renjin shifts uncomfortably before looking at me.

"Umm, I heard you were attacked, are you feeling any better now?" He asked and I nod.

"Apart from a little partial paralysis around my feet I guess I'm alright," I say and he nods, the atmosphere got awkward as the older man moved around.

"I haven't known you for too long Naeri, and during this while I've only made our relation worse, for that, I want to apologise," he said and I stared straight at him to find even the slight bit of lies in his words.

"I can understand if you're mad at me, I can understand if you don't want to forgive me, but please-" he went to hold my hand but Jimin beat him to it, he held onto Renjin's hand and looked at him in the eye, it felt like time stopped but soon enough, Renjin retracted his hand.

Jimin had his head down and the room was all silent.

"Why did you even come here?" I asked as none of this made sense to me.

"I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry, I won't try urging a father-daughter relation with you but I want you to know that I'm sorry," he lifted his hand closer to me but this time Jimin didn't move at all, he had his head down as Renjin placed his palm on the side of my cheek.

"I won't expect us to be happy together but I plead, please forgive me for all I've done to you and your mother since your birth," all his words vanished as he spoke to me telepathically once his palm was against my cheek. I heard his voice saying things in my head, things I couldn't believe and my breath hitched.

"I'm sorry," he said before getting up and looking at Jimin who still had his head down before leaving the room. My lips quivered but I kept it all in and smiled as I looked at Jimin.

"Hey," I called and he looked up, a single tear dropped down his left eye and my eyes widened as I held his hand.

"You okay, did he say something?" I asked and the door opened once again.

"Right in front of my water," Jungkook said, tightening his jaw as he stared at my hand on Jimin's.

"Call me when you both stop flirting," he said and left with his glass of water, slamming the door shut behind him.

Jimin took that time to wipe the tear off and smiled at me.

"You must be bored, let's walk around this huge castle for a bit, I feel confined in this room."


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now