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Renjin hadn't left the flowing river, cautiously watching the waters move as he felt his insides crumble, his heart skip a few beats from the immense guilt he felt within him. He simply sat there and I couldn't help but watch the man, mixed feeling rushing through me as I did so.

"Are there any other brothers or sister's I have that I should know about?" I asked sarcastically though I really hoped he had a negative answer to that question.

He turned to look at me, my jaw tightened to see him so out of reach, he looked deserted and drowning in pure guilt.

"No, I didn't fool around that far," he said, shame evident in his words and I sighed, walking towards him and I immediately saw a spark of fear in his eyes but that melted down right when I took him into an embrace. He towered me regardless, my face against his chest and for the first time, I felt safe when I was beside him. I gulped, not feeling him accepting the hug in anyway till he brought his hands up to my back, hugging me back and I closed my eyes, feeling the warmth of his embrace.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, no matter how many times I say that I don't think you'll ever forgive me," he said and I felt his shoulders move as he teared up.

I pulled away, watching him rub off his tears and held onto his hand firmly.

"As long as you promise to be a better person, I want you to stay with me, in our kingdom, with mother," I said and he looked at me in shock, eyes shaking in confusion.

"Your mother, no, she would never, she probably hates me too," Renjin said and turned back but I held onto his shoulder, pulling him back to look at me.

"You would never know if you don't try, what if she has been yearning for you in hope, that you'd come back and apologize? Please, for me," I say and he pursed his lips in thought.

"I'll think about it."

- - -

I laid on the slightly wet grass, there were only a few more days before I finally left to rule my kingdom, I wouldn't have a reason to come back here again, and the very thought made me gulp.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked, dropping down to lay beside me on the grass, outside the castle.

"Would you miss me?" I asked and he thought for a bit making me look at him shocked, at that he chuckled and wrapped his arm around my waist while lying on his side.

"Of course I would, who wouldn't miss their friend?" Jungkook said and I involuntarily pout.

"Friend?" I asked and he looked unfazed.

"Yeah, you're a really close friend of mine," he said and gave me a soft smile but I only felt mad, I pushed him off and got up only for him to pull me back down, I fell down on the grass and he held onto my arms to make sure I couldn't get back up again.

"Why are you mad, Naeri? Did you want to be something more?" He asked and as much as I wanted to beat him up, I also wanted to cry out.

"Hey hey, that was a joke, bitch don't just start crying, ahh," he said hyperventilating before hugging me, his hand patting my back as I punched his chest.

"I like you Naeri, I don't know if I can say that I love you yet, not when I know you're gonna leave me for your people in a few days but yes, I will think of you a lot," he said and pulled back to caress my cheek.

"Why can't we merge our kingdoms or something?" I asked and he chuckled.

"This isn't some fictionated story now is it? Agartha is waiting for its Goddess of Life, and thats you, I'll always be here, it's not like I can't come by whenever I want to," he told me but I still pout.

"Is Tae any better now?" I asked and he pursed his lips.

"He has been coping, I don't think Jimin was just a friend to him though, I think Tae liked the boy, he isn't the kind to be this broken over a friend," Jungkook said and I felt my lips quiver before I cried once again.

"Oh my God do you ever stop crying!" Jungkook complained while trying to rub off my tears as fast as possible.

"Jimin liked him too, ah this is like those cliche love stories, they never even got to confess," I cried and Jungkook sighed, not trying to stop me anymore, he pushed himself closer to me and pecked my nose bringing my attention back to him.

My tears dried up quicker than they used to and all the while Jungkook watched me, the both of us had calmed down and just remained there.

"I think I'm gonna miss you a lot, Love," Jungkook said and I nod. A smile developing on my face causing him a smile too.

"We will meet again."


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now