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"Can you stop acting like all of this was my fault?" I say, completely pissed with the way he had been avoiding me that entire day. Ever since his mother allowed Renjin in the premises of Jungkook's kingdom he's been nothing but a bitch about it.

"Stop following me you-" Jungkook said but stopped and bit the inside of his lips before looking away.

"You what? Why stop?" I ask, feeling overly enraged and he placed his hands on his hips.

"Look, I don't care, just leave me alone. It's not like we're friends or anything, why do you have to get so heated up?!" Jungkook asked, his voice louder now and I could see the orange hues rising in his eyes and grind my teeth causing my jaw to tighten.

"Fine, I'm sorry I felt like we were finally getting along," I say and turn around, leaving him on the river bank and walking back to the castle, my dress flowing a little with the wind but I felt the burn in my heart never calm down.

I walked all the way back to my room where Taehyung was playing with Yuqi, back in her feline form, he had a fuzz ball that he dropped around and Yuqi clawed at him, trying to get the fuzzball. The moment the two saw me, Yuqi immediately shifted back to human form, her doe eyes looking down as she sat on my bed.

Taehyung tried to hide the fuzzball, smiling when he knew I saw it already.

He got up and turned around, stopping for a bit as he stared at the vertically long window in my room and then turned back to me with one perked eyebrow.

"Are you, mad?" He asked and I lifted one of my eyebrows. He pointed back at the window from where the river was visible, the waters swept back and forth repeatedly, wild motions causing some of the water to spill out on the grassfields. 

"I'm fine," I say through the anger and Tae simply tilts his head making me sigh.

"You know, Gods aren't the best at hiding their emotions, once having faced even the slightest of a negative emotion they-"

"Keep the fucking philosophy to yourself," I say before dropping myself on the bed, a bit away from the two and shut my eyes.

"Not the best use of Language for the God of Life, they're deemed to be pure," Taehyung informed me and I open my shut eyes to have them both staring down at me. I turned to the other side, staring at the wall and shutting my eyes once again.

"Stop flirting with Yuqi, Taehyung," I say and smile.

"Flirting? Who's flirting? Mind your words my Goddess!" I giggled before falling deep in slumber.

* * *


I laid on my bed for a while, not moving anywhere else for the timebeing. Despite whatever I did I couldn't rid myself from the constant feeling of a backstab. I knew Renjin had something up his sleeve, he was only waiting for the right moment and I didn't want him to have the impression that we were just sitting ducks.

The door to my room opened slightly and there were two knocks heard. I rose up to see my mother come in, she shut the door behind her and walked all the way towards the edge of the bed.

"What can I do for the Queen?" I asked, I wasn't annoyed at her but everything that went on with Zelda and I, held me in a terrible mood.

"Is that how you speak to your mother?" She asked, her eyes looking at the floor before they looked straight at me.

"Well right now you're here as the Queen, so its only fair for me to give my respects to the Queen who came all the way to me," I say, in my most humblest way but cringe at the end of it, knowing I only sounded sassy.

She sighed before replying.

"You aren't all too happy with having the fallen angel in our castle are you?" She asked and I looked away, my fingers tightening their hold on the bed sheets before nodding with my eyes closed.

"Always look after her," she said and I looked back at her, a bit of confusion in me.

"We know we'll he isn't here for peace, neither is he gonna be all genuine when handing the Steele over to us, so far we know he's hidden it in Agartha, it's only a matter of time till our citizens find it for us. Till then, make sure he doesn't do anything to Naeri,"

"Zelda is a God herself, she doesn't need me to protect her," I tell her and she walks closer to me and seats herself down on the bed.

"There's something he needs from her, besides, they're blood related, he could coax her into doing something without her conscience even knowing. We can't let that happen so do whatever, never leave her alone and if that fallen angel does anything that would let us know what his true intentions are, we can kill him just like that," the Queen, my mother says and waits for me to respond to her and I could only feel a headache rise in my head.

"Wouldn't that cause some disturbance in the realm of fallen angels? He leads them, they obviously won't sit still and not implement war," I tell her and she nods.

"That's not our biggest concern, life and death are two major consequences in the human world, we need to be there for either and right now is the time. Her safety is your responsibility Jungkook."


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now