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It didn't take all too long for Jimin to come back to conscious, Jungkook and I brought him all the way back home. I was still a bit tired from the loss of energy I felt because of Jimin. It felt unreal but of course, life is full of surprises. Somewhere I always saw him as a friend, he was the first to approach me despite my not-so-good reputation at uni.

I watched at Jungkook had a few metal chains in his hands that he started to tie around Jimin. It was like the metals were doing their jobs already, smoke wore off Jimin's body as the heat grew around us. Jimin's body shook as Jungkook tied the metal chains tighter around him.

Hellhounds were supposed to have pure blood unless they have sinned, Jimin clearly did sin seeing how he was reacting to the effect of the metal chains. His eyes opened and the bright red hues almost blinded me as I watched him writhe in pain.

He groaned as his eyes glared at Jungkook, parts of his grey shirt ripping as he struggled to get out of the chains, the burns on his skin causing much pain as he growled. As the pain grew his eyes dropped their natural shade and once again it went back to the brown shade, his hair going back to jet black as his powers weakened by the metal.

Once he was completely powerless Jungkook bent down to match his level and tapped his cheeks to get him back to consciousness.

"Why were you in the forest?" Jungkook asked and Jimin shook his head, he looked like he was in pain.

"Get rid of the chains Jungkook," I said and he turned to look at me questionably.

"What if he attacks you again?"

"He won't, I know that," I say confidently Jimin looks up at me through his bangs, pursing his lips then looking away when Jungkook moved to ease his restraints, he threw the chains aside then looked at me.

"I hope you know what you're doing," he said before moving over to sit on the couch. He watched us but that didn't matter now, I avoided Jungkook's gaze and went to Jimin who had his eyes facing away from mine.

"Why were you there Jimin? Do you have something to do with the Steele?" I ask and he remains quiet for a few seconds.

"It's my dad who needs it not me," Jimin confesses.

"You really think we're gonna believe that? Hellhounds are the most loyal of all creatures in our Kingdom, why would you betray your father by confessing to Zelda then?" Jungkook questions from his seat but instead of answering Jungkook, Jimin faces me this time.

"He isn't my real father, neither is he related to our Kingdom, which is why you never saw me in Jungkook's castle, I was on Earth," Jimin says and I bite the inside of my cheek.

"What exactly does your father want Jimin?" I ask and he looks down again.

"He asked me to get the Steele for him, the part of the Steele you were there for, two parts of them I've already found and they're with father now, it gives off great power, dad wanted that power,"

"Is that why you came to me? Did you want to get the Steele the easy way? Through me?" I say, disappointment lacing in my voice as I speak and he looks up to me. I shrug off all the thoughts and look at his face and body, little scars and scratches, wounds, and cuts that were yet to be treated, visible clearly through the torn patches on his shirt.

I raised my hand and moved them across his wounds and blemishes, healing them as white cracks emerged through the lines on my palm. He winced but his eyes never left mine, once I was convinced I healed all of the ruthless wounds that could cause future scars I retracted my hand.

"You've been healed by a God, you are now attested to me, is that clear?" I asked, compassion ripped away from my voice as I saw him be nothing but a hellhound that could now be of help to me.

"Yes my Goddess, I understand, rely on me from now on for the Steele."


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now