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I felt one of the worst pains across my body, my torso, and my back hurt like never before. To say the pain was more than period cramps in comparison was an understatement, it felt as though my body was being pulled apart horizontally.

My tear ducts were restricting themselves as I felt my body indulge in the pain. I clawed my hands as hard as I could, my vision pitch black but I did whatever I could to fight back against whatever was putting me down. The burn in my eyes felt like I was in a pit of flames and there was nothing I could do in response.

"Naeri," I heard my birth name get called out and my vision started to come back, the burn in my eyes still evident although the piercing pain around my body diminished within seconds. In front of me, I saw a worried Jungkook and I couldn't think at all, pulling him into my embrace and resting my head on his shoulder.

I was shivering but it wasn't even winter, I wasn't crying despite the pains I went through. After a few seconds I could feel his hands rest on my sides, his touch soft as though he was afraid of hurting me more than I was already.

"You're okay now," Jungkook told me and I nod in his embrace, not realizing how I clutched onto his shoulder. I let go of him, pulling myself back to rub my palm across my face, breathing deeply a few times to stabilize myself.

I looked in front of me again, Jungkook seated right in front of me and Yuqi in her human form as she sat next to my feet, a small frown evident on her face.

"Where Taehyung?" with my question I noticed how Jungkook returned to his usual attitude. He rubbed his palms on his pants before responding.

"The coronation is complete Naeri, you've attained control over your element completely now. He didn't have a reason to be here anymore," he says, his voice monotone and I almost felt bad but what surprised me more, I was worried about Jungkook more than I felt bad about Taehyung leaving.

Though they bickered like there was no tomorrow, Jungkook needed Taehyung, and Taehyung needed Jungkook, especially when he was on Earth, somewhere that was foreign to him.

"Go look at the mirror, you'll know what I mean, " he gave me a last look before leaving my room, his usually broad shoulders now low, signifying how he felt. I walked towards my mirror only to feel shaken inside, my eyes were a bright blue, not the royal blue or baby blue. Crystal clear blue.

I heard shuffling behind me to see Yuqi back to the little kitten I first found, she swept her fluffy tail around my ankles tickling me and I bent down, carrying her in my arms and going back to lay on my bed.

"Am I really a God now?" I ask the kitten, Yuqi, who stares at me for a few seconds before bowing her head.

"I guess that's a 'yes'," I spoke out.

"What's gonna happen now that I'm God?"

- - -

"How do we get there?" I ask Jungkook who points at Yuqi.

"She's the one with the divine powers, she teleports us there," Jungkook tells me and Yuqi stretches before coming back to her human form. Yuqi was the only one who could feel the energy from the Steele being emitted, being a shapeshifter.

She came closer to the two of us, extending her arms out to us and we held on to her palm, she looked between the two of us for a few seconds before giving us an uninterested look. Her eyes pointed at Jungkook's palm and then to mine, realization dawning upon me only then, we hadn't held hands.

Before Jungkook could even bother complaining I pulled his palm, accidentally pulling him closer as well, Yuqi signaled us to shut our eyes and I did. Only a second later I could feel how the air around us felt different.

I opened my eyes to see us at a completely different place from before. Walls were made of age-old concrete, the place looking cliche enough I could predict it was resided by a gang of some sort.

Yuqi led the way and we were to follow.

"Zelda," Jungkook calls me and I turn to look at him.

"We're at Earth, don't use your powers until necessary, also, be reckless when no one's looking," 

We walked after Yuqi, the place reeking of blood and for once I cursed my senses. Continuing to walk despite the surroundings. It was obvious people died in these grounds, Yuqi took a turn and we started seeing more humans around. Jungkook looked at me before lifting his hand, the few men who were probably going to attack us had their bodies thrashed to the walls, their throats being choked and I could see how the skin around their throats burned, turning a shade of grey almost instantly.

Jungkook continued to walk and the similar negative energy I felt a few days ago returned. A man walked towards us from afar, his grin showing off his fangs standing proud and strong. His eyes turned red and the veins around his arms and neck turned a bright purple.

"He's probably one of the souls from Hell, you take care of it Zelda," he tells me and leads the two this time, my hand lifting and I shut my eyes before a ball of water surrounded my fist, I elongated the element forming a small barrier as I did before.

"Fluxus aquaeus," I whisper as I was close to the hellish soul and the barrier collided over him, burning his body throughout as flames left his mouth and he felt to the floor and as he choked I couldn't help but feel proud of myself.

"Good going but next time uses your telepathy instead of saying your spells out loud," he complains and I glare at him.


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now