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"One kiss babe, why so mean-"

"Get the fuck off Dean," I mumbled, not wanting to grab any more attention. Before he could get any closer he was pulled back and I looked up to see a guy I never saw on campus before. I couldn't see what went on 'cause of Dean's height, but within the next second he left, not even looking back, my eyes then fell a bit to see a guy who was shorter than Dean by a lot but still towering me.

"You okay?" He asked and I nodded, bowing a bit as gratitude before walking off, I could hear him trying to catch up.

"Hey!" He said and stood next to me but I kept walking, he walked by me and I could tell his eyes were on me.

"I'm new here so-"

"Look, I don't want any trouble, thanks for standing up for me but please leave me alone," I said and walked off, this time I didn't feel his presence behind me so I breathed in relief. Walking all the way to class, on time this time.

"Morning," I said monotone to the teacher who nods and I went to my seat at the back. I wasn't a backbencher though, more like a second last bencher cause no one sits at the rear back. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't a bad student, I just preferred the back over having to sit at the front and stare at the teacher's belly.

The teacher knew I listened in class so she never really bothered much but she didn't like how I was late to class the past few days cause of my body pains.

I was listening to her till the guy that helped me come in, probably the new student she mentioned yesterday. His hair was a dirty blonde, plump lips, and a short yet mildly bulked-up physique.

"Jimin, new here so please take care of me," he said and smiled, it wasn't a fake smile for sure. He did look happy, not much but still. If he joined mid-semester, he was an obvious transfer.

The teacher asked him to pick a seat as she went on to start with the roll call. He sat two rows in front of me, making sure to smile at me whenever he made eye contact with me.

The class ends exactly 35 minutes later and I wasted no time, getting up and walking to leave the class. Jimin stopped in front of me, packing his bag but he was in the way. The people started leaving and I was starting to get impatient.

"Do you mind?" I asked bored and he looked down at me, smiling and whispering a small 'sorry' before letting me pass.

"Hey," I heard him say and so I turned to him.

"Can you sit with me for lunch, I don't have any friends here,"

"-yet." I end for him and he looked puzzled before I left him there, I wasn't trying to be mean, I just couldn't deal with anyone, especially if anyone notices the things I was going through at the moment, the school nurse was enough.

I had the packed lunch that I made the night before and sat under the sakura tree, the light breeze making me feel easy. Students played basketball far away at the court and only a few couples that mind their own business next to me.

As I took a bit off my sandwich, I heard shuffling next to me and turned to see Jimin with his bag on his lap. My mouth stopped chewing for a second and I watched how he was totally unbothered.

Ignoring the guy I went on to chew on my sandwich, eating my lunch in peace. I was done after a good three to five minutes and just breathed out, closing my eyes as the soft breeze made me feel better than I had been.

"What's your name?" I heard him ask me and I opened my eyes, turning to see him who was still looking at the space in front of us. Sighing slightly I looked at the front too.

"Naeri, but you can call me Zelda," I said and saw him turn to look at me through my peripheral vision.

"Can I call you Naeri instead?" he asked and I looked at him, it was normal for everyone here to call me Zelda as it was the name I used here in America.

"Cool," I said and he smiled as we looked back at the space in front of us.

"Hope we can be friends?"


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now