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It felt like everything around me stopped moving when I saw Zelda on the floor, when I was pushed down, the creature not only moved me aside but pierced the skin on my abdomen. I looked down my torso to see blood oozing out and I gulped trying to hold onto the pain. On the other side of the room Jimin's body shifted back to normal, his clothes were all ripped apart while Zelda's shoulders shook as she laid on the floor.

I was at a loss, not being able to think or make the right decision as the pain around my stomach made me ten times more confused. I first healed myself to be able to help the other two.

Somehow I got up and walked to Zelda first, I held onto her forearms to stop her from shaking violently. The back of her head fell on the ground and I lifted my palm, casting my spell to heal her wound. I moved my palm gently over the deep cut and watched as the skin regenerated. She was still unconscious and so I moved towards Jimin, my ears perking up when I heard footsteps walking towards the room we were in from a far distance and I could bet it was his step father.

We couldn't afford to be caught in this condition, not when we were harmed. I rush to Jimin, picking him up and carrying him as he whined through the pain around his chest. I held tightly on to him and walked back to where Zelda was laid.

I knelt down and quickly cast onto the spell that would teleport us back to earth and in a split second we were back.

Zelda held tight onto the two broken pieces of the Steele even when she was still unconscious. I laid Jimin safely down on one of the couches and went to wake Zelda up.

"Hey, wake up," I said and shook her arms till her eyes opened small and I sighed in happiness.

"You need to help Jimin, he's still hurt," I tell her and she looks down at her forearm to see her wound all healed.

"Why didn't you help him yet you idiot?!" Zelda scold me when she saw Jimin struggling to breathe on her couch and I frown.

"Cause something like rules exist? No two God's can heal the same person, it has to be done by one and only one," I recite and Zelda disregards me just like that, quickly lifting herself and walking towards Jimin, he was still awake, his eyes barely open as he squinted through the pain.

"It'll be over soon Jimin, just hold on," Zelda said sweetly and I bucked my jaw at how bipolar this girl could be.

She shut her eyes before inching her palm towards Jimin's bare chest and I watched as the movement healed the would, skin cells regenerating the long cut through his chest and the cut was all closed up. There was a lot of blood still dried up around his chest and Zelda thought for a second before looking at me.

"The room I gave you, look under your bed, there's a small translucent box with a huge red cross on the top-"

"You want me to bring the first aid kit?" I asked before she could finish and she lifted one of her brows.

"What? We watched Doctor Stranger together with Tae, I should at least know that much," I said and she nods before I left for my room, walking out with the first aid kit she asked me for.

I hand the kit to her with a small smile but she pays no heed to it, snatching it from my hands and searching for whatever she needed to treat Jimin.

"The least you could do is say 'thank you'", I say clearly annoyed and wait for her to respond.

"Thanks," she said without any soul and I smack my lips in annoyance before leaving her alone in the room and walking back to mine.

The evening came quickly, I didn't leave my room at all, seeing Zelda so immersed in wanting to help Jimin and just ignoring me was purely frustrating. I groaned before tossing on the thick mattress, it providing some sort of comfort to me.

I looked at the little wall clock in my room to see that it was 7 PM already. I bit my lip before lifting myself off the bed, painfully slow.

I went out my door to see the house still dark, I walked to the switches to to turn on the lights and saw Jimin still laying on the couch, chest bare bit he had a blanket covering his lower body now, all the dried blood was cleaned up and he slept peacefully.

Just looking at him made me annoyed.

I left the lights on in the living room where he was still asleep and thought about it before walking myself to Zelda's room. I inched my hands closer to her doorknob and twisted it before getting in, the lights were turned on here and I saw her deep asleep on her bed.

I went and sat down right beside her and watched as she breathed in slowly, eyes shut. Thoughts from earlier that day still fresh in my mind, how she was hurt, how she looked distraught after being injured and I felt pain inside me at that memory. It was like I worked on instinct when I bent lower towards her forehead, placing a gentle kiss on it and getting back up, almost falling off the bed when I saw her eyes open.

"You were awake?" I asked and she lifted herself slowly, the close proximity between us made me sweat without even realising it.

"Are you here to say something important?" She asked me and I thought deeply, not a single excuse fabricating itself in my mind.

"Just, because?" I said and cursed myself mentally for being this way.

We heard footsteps and turned to her front door to have Jimin's head peeking in and he gave us an innocent eye smile.

"Well, I'm practically naked right now, which should explain why I'm peeking only my head out, don't mind me borrowing some of your clothes Jungkook," he said and left like it was nothing.

"Hey-" I yelled and was about to run after him till Zelda held me back. Her hand holding mine.

I looked down at her and she motioned for me to sit back down.

"You called me by my birth name today," she told me and I looked away from how her eyes stared into mine so intensely.

"Yeah, what about it?" I said and she pursed her lips before responding.

"Stop trying to look so hard on others Jungkook, you can be weak sometimes too," she tells me and my breath hitched with how she used her words so directly.

"You don't always have to be the strong one," she continued and I felt her thumb brushing my hand that was still held onto hers.

"And next time, please take my permission before you kiss me."


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now