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"You're jobless does not mean you wreak someone else's job," I heard Taehyung deadpan at me and I simply mock him before skipping off to the sorcerers' room, thuds and loud yells already sounding like music to my ears.

The white witches bowed their heads before going back to their jobs, my left hand in the pocket of my black dress pants as I lift the other hand, reviving my powers to open the door, ducking almost immediately to dodge the bell jar that was thrown out of the room, slammed on the wall behind me, breaking into pieces of glass and I smirked when I heard a 'Sorry' sound from the voice I was familiar to now.

Once I felt it was safe I got inside the hall, three sorcerers dressed in navy blue with Zelda in midst of them, Yuqi sitting on the chair next to them and I could clearly see the look of pity on her face.

The place looked chaotic, broken glass pieces everywhere, miniature goblins running about with their dustpans trying to clean the mess.

"We didn't bring you here to ruin our castle you know," I said, voice lacing with the tire as I watch her huffing. She looked overworked and it had only been a day so far.

"I'm sorry," she said to Minghao, the sorcerer who now helped her cast a spell on the glass of water in front of her. Her element being water should've been the easiest power to start with, but things weren't unveiling as per plan.

She lifts her palm, concentrating to start some sort of telepathy which only looked amusing from my point of view.

"Scoot," I order Yuqi before pushing her off the chair, sitting on it after, disregarding the scoffs from the said mute girl. Folding my legs one over the other I watched as she continued to cast spells wrong, unable to catch the telekinesis, unable to concentrate.

I look to my side at Yuqi who had her arms folded against her chest, probably mad after how I took away the chair from her.

"Minghao, Minjun, can I know what's bothering her?" I asked two of the sorcerers who looked like they could facepalm any minute now.

"It's you dipshi-"

"Language ma'am," Minjun reminded her and she looked away, muttering something under her breath.

"As far as I see she isn't the problem, its probably cause of lack of practice but we'll work on that isn't that right Naeri-ssi?" Minjun asks her and she smiles at him thankfully. Am I the only individual with whom her smile just gives up?

"Can I borrow her for today?" I asked and the two sorcerers looked at each other before facing me.

"I'll talk to mom if anything happens, just today?" I asked again and they nod after some thinking.

"Wait I didn't agree to any of this-"

"Too late Princess," I said before gently pulling her after me, she tried pulling away only to give up when she knew I wasn't letting off. I brought her out of the castle where the evening sky looked humid and grey, just right.

I walked the path until we stopped in front of a river, the only river here in Agartha that flowed pure water. She stared at the beauty of the stream, I pulled away from her hand, fitting my palms into the pocket of my jeans once again.

"You do that a lot," she remarked and I hummed.

"We all have our habits," I said as she watched the flow of the water.

"What do you see?" I asked her but she remained, continuing to stare at the little river.

"Water?" she asked and I breathed out in frustration.

"Zelda," I called out and she finally looked up at me, listening with all ears.

"This is your element, your sole power. Besides all the powers that could be bestowed upon you because of your position, this is one that represents you. There are many in our world that reign over the fire, I'm not alone. But in your case, this is all yours," I said, signaling at the stream and she looked back at it.


"Before trying to win control, try to make friends with your element. If you accept it the way it is, only then it accepts you," Jungkook explains and I watch in awe as he plays with a fireball, glazing it around his palm like it was nothing.

Looking back at the water I lift my hand up, trying to put all my mind into the act, trying to communicate with the billion molecules in front of me, my fingers shook with the intensity I gave it, trying to win over my power.

Nothing, feeling failure run all over me I dropped my hand back on my lap, kneeling down before resting on the heels of my feet.

"I don't want to disappoint anyone," I said out involuntarily, he nods as he continued to watch the river in front of us. 

"If you can't, no one can," I heard him say before he turned on his heels and left me there. I spent the rest of the evening there, sighing every time I had to retreat my hand only because I wasn't able to do anything at all.

'7 days' I reminded myself, before lifting my hand again, only this time, something happened.


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now