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'Its the greatest weapon we could possess, the only weapon used to spread what's good around planet earth, which is why only Gods of Life have the authority over it.'

'You're our only hope Naeri, after your father's loss that responsibility is upon you now,'

'Your mother hadn't abandoned you, she didn't have a choice, her being with you would've only cost you your life,'

'We are ready to help cause you haven't revived your powers yet but we need your help Naeri, merge with us'

I kept thinking of the woman's words, she couldn't have lied to me. From what she told me one thing caught my attention, what she told me about Mom. I hated her for leaving me and dad, dad was always busy, barely having any time for me. Now I knew why and I hated myself for ever thinking they didn't want me.

They just wanted me to be safe, to keep their race that was slowly diminishing from existence.

It felt weird, knowing that I was a God, one that had control over life, something so crucial. I felt worried, what if I disappointed them? The thought of it shook me from inside. I felt like a huge load had fallen over my shoulders and I was trying to catch my breath, just to survive through all the pain.

Shutting my eyes I encouraged myself to think positively before even starting to do anything at all. Growing up pessimistic wasn't helping right now.

"You okay?" I heard his voice again and I smiled.

"Yes, Taehyung," I said and he gave me a grin, a small scoff sounded of from afar and I felt myself get annoyed all over again.

The more I got to know these two, the more differences I find in them.

Taehyung had been treating me well ever since I was here, Agartha as they called it. I always thought it was fictional, a part of me wanted to think such fantasy existed. Jungkook on the other hand, got ruder every second.

"You kept having body pains cause your body felt overwhelmed because of the opposite attractions we gave you, considering how your element is water and ours if fire, it's pretty obvious that either of the ones would retract, it was you before and when we met it was Jungkook. He didn't have his powers then, making him more vulnerable. In short, the two of you could be harmful to each other but you need each other for this plan just as much,"

"I always read about these things, only cause they intrigued me. Never thought it would come to use," I said and Tae gave me a big smile, patting my head.

"Nerd," I heard Jungkook say from the side as he stared at the sky above us.

"At least better than what you do all day, feed off others misery," Taehyung snapped back and I shook my head at how the two bickered.

"What now?" I asked and Jungkook looked up to me for the first time.

"You're gonna turn 20 soon, once that's done we can start getting the white witches to train you and the other sorcerers could help revive your powers sooner so that you can fight off people easily. Trust me, a lot of freaks want to be what you are today,"

Jungkook said and for the first time I felt like he was being a bit serious about the whole situation, he is a God too after all.

"Don't white witches give medical services though?" I doubted.

"They do so but that's in the realms of hell, here in Agartha we have different races, Angels, Demons, you name it. In such situations, daughters of the existing white witches are given training at early years to better them in basic defense," Taehyung answered.

"What about the sons?" I asked and saw how he was taken aback like he was reminded of something he wanted to forget, I knew cause I was that way too. Not wanting to pressure him, I was about to tell him it was fine until I was cut off by Jungkook.

"They're killed," he said, staring off at the sky.

The air grew thicker and I could tell Taehyung was down, he looked down at his feet not saying a word after. Jungkook got up abruptly and left the place, walking back to the palace.

"I'm sorry if I-"

"It is fine, you don't know," Taehyung said and smiled sadly at me.

Among all the commotion that took place today, I forgot one thing.

"Where's Yuqi?!"


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now