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Being caught with alcohol wasn't much of a problem when I heard both Taehyung and Jimin wanted to share. What I didn't know, both Tae and Jimin were a bunch of lightweights.
Taehyung had chronic hiccups meanwhile Jimin was just being, Jimin.

"Taehyung-ah," Jimin slurred and Tae whipped his head towards his new found friend.

"Who's cuter? Me or Naeri?" He sassed with his hands on his narrow hips.

Tae cutely put his pointer finger on his lips in thought.

"Naeri is," Tae said and laughed and I widened my eyes.

"In your face no jams," I slurred and stuck my tongue out making him frown exaggeratedly.

"Now you tell me, who's cuter? Me or Jungkook?" I didn't even have to think when I squealed.

"Jungkook," both me and Jimin said and high fives right after.

"No homo though," Jimin said, putting his hands up like he was surrendering.

"Can't believe you both said Jungkook without even planning it, damn, the God and hellhound relationship is strong as fu-"

"Shh," I stopped Taehyung before he could curse, I went behind him taking the empty bottle of vodka.

"Wow you idiots finished it," I scoffed.

"Where are you going Naeri," Jimin cried and I smiled patting his puffed cheeks.

"I'll be back soon, you guys can crash here," I said and Taehyung looked at me scared.

"She means we can sleep here," Jimin said and Taehyung opened his mouth agape in understanding.

"C'mon then," Tae said and pulled Jimin with him, cuddling him like a big bear and I laughed at how cute they looked.

I tucked them in the sheets Jungkook used to tuck me and asked them to sleep before walking out of the room.

It was quiet outside, I stumbled and climbed the sets of stairs not knowing where my feet were taking me. The top of the castle was always isolated and I was running on a weird adrenaline rush, wanting to go to the top.

I sighed in tire as there were way too many stairs and finally reached there to see that the door that led to the roof of the castle was open.

My eyes were getting more and more blurry but I walked all the way, the sky looked different here, I smiled and looked at it till I heard my name being called.


"Zelda?" I called out, shocked to see her when I clearly tucked her in. She eye smiled and stumbled while walking towards me and I could swear she looked wasted.

"What's up with you?" I asked as I stood up, carefully making sure I don't fall off the roof.

She tripped and I took a long stride to hold her upper arms, I sat down right there, holding her still in my arms while hearing her giggle.

"What are you this high on?" I asked while holding her chin and trying to look into her eyes, when she lifted her lids I finally saw how red her eyes had become.

"I told you to sleep didn't I?" I asked.

"I couldn't fall asleep," she whispered and snuggled into my nape and I sighed. My arms were wrapped around her waist making sure she doesn't fall and pull me with her in the process. She whipped her head away from my nape making the top of her head hit my jaw.

"Dude, what-" I stopped myself from cursing at the pain when she stared at me with her glimmering eyes. Her rosy lips smiled and I gulped looking away.

She lifted her palms and placed them on my cheeks, pulling me closer and my eyes widened. Before she could place her lips on mine I stopped her with my finger on her lips, making her pout in sadness. I wrapped my arms tighter around her this time and hugged her.

"I don't want to die Jungkook," she said and I pulled away to look at her.

"Why would you die?" I asked and her eyes teared up.

"Zelda what's wrong?" I asked and she rubbed her face on my shoulder making me worried.

"Minjun," she whispered and went quiet after that.

'She fell asleep,' I thought to myself but the things that ran through my head at her words made me worried about her. I wanted to know what she meant.


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now