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"Why so early? Weren't we supposed to leave at dawn?" I asked while taking big strides to keep up with Zelda who marched towards the outside of my castle.

"We don't have time to wait, Yuqi has already sensed another part of the Steele be activated, she's positive the Steele has been divided into three parts and either one of it is being used on Earth,"

When I heard that my feet stopped completely, Zelda who sensed it turned back to look at me.

"Does that mean Renjin was lying?" I asked Zelda who seemed just as conflicted as I was when the issue was addressed.

"So far we can't tell, they've already fooled us once, we can't afford to let that happen again. For now, we find the root cause that activated the Steele most recently."

- - -

Earth only looked more and more tiring every time I came here. The skies were a boring shade of grey and I kept looking at Zelda who led the way, Yuqi right next to her. I thought back to what Taehyung told me about her and I felt the heat rise up to my ears, making me look down at the ground momentarily.

It now dawned upon me that this was the same forest way we walked past the last time, the same damp grass and quite a few coniferous trees. Renjun was still somewhere at the back of my head, who could've thought one Steele could have so many secrets to it, so many conspiracies.

"There," Zelda said, turning to look at me and her long black hair moved along with her, Yuqi had her finger pointing towards a distance and we walked towards it and just like last time, Yuqi stayed behind. I walked right behind Zelda and the trees covered up most of the sunlight making the place look gloomy yet ethereal.

We heard the sound of some barks crunching and my feet stopped immediately, my eyes turned to their natural bright orange shade involuntarily which caught me off-guard, I felt another around us as the sound of footsteps through distant I could hear them loud and clear. Zelda seemed in pain next to me and my doubts were confirmed, there was someone her apart from us.

"What is it?" I asked and felt how my fangs grew out, my jaw tightened as the sound of the creature breathing was audible to my ears.

"A hellhound," Zelda said before kneeling down, the pain holding onto her desperately and I knew I had to take care of this alone. Hellhounds were residents of my Kingdom, so it was only natural for me to feel one of my kind. But for such a being to be here was highly suspicious.

The sound of footsteps stopped, as though the creature knew I heard it and at once it started to run, I turned to the sound to see who I was looking for and ran after, the coniferous trees paving narrow paths making it harder for him to escape. I ran in lightning speed and once I was closer I activated my powers, using the energy along my veins to start a fire which I blew in front of me, my teeth gritting as I burned circles around the creature so it had nowhere to run to.

The burns didn't die down but instead, grew profusely as the fires made sure he couldn't escape. As I got closer I noticed the torn patches around the man's dark grey shirt, it looked like they'd been ripped, he had his head looking up to the sky and I took this time to force the man so he faced me.

My eyes looked at him confused as I gazed at his dirty blonde hair, fangs out with pride and veins along his neck and hands completely filled in shades of purple and blue. His eyes were blood-red unlike my orange ones and I knew for sure he was indeed a hellhound.

I lifted my hand and placed my palm on his forehead making him wince in pain, the veins around his neck were starting to look black in color.

"Ut sita animat tua, sicuti inu fluminibus ace tranquillitas, quae influunte in teah," I whisper my spell and watch his eyes shift colors to a softer brown, his dirty blond streaks changed to jet black and his face grew paler than it was. I bent down and carried him on my shoulder, carrying him all the way back to Zelda, my eyes softened when I saw her quivering on the floor. Yuqi was seated next to her, patting her back as Zelda only fell deeper into the clutches of pain.

Her eyes were lazily open as she looked like she could pass anytime, her eyes looked up at me till they fell upon the hellhound I carried.



double update demons :)

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