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"We need to meet her, it will be quick," Taehyung said to the Principal of the uni who looked like he was born with a face that screamed 'boredom'.

"Sorry Sir, we don't allow students to meet individuals from outside university," he deadpanned.

"Oh, then maybe some information that could be helpful? Like an address or maybe a phone number? Anything we could use to contact her?" He said again, begging just like how I expected him to if only I had my powers, we would've been done with all of this.

"Rules are rules," he stated and I rolled my eyes. Taehyung began to try and convince him again, I was seated on the couch next to him the whole time when I thought of something. Humans were pathetic at all circumstances given, but alas, if you wanna beat'em, join 'em.

I got off my seat while the two older men had a calm banter, Taehyung clearly on the losing end. Walking out quietly, I asked one of the male students in the corridor where I could Kim Naeri, I wish we could use our brains before this way.

"Kim Naeri, is she a sophomore?" he asked and I was confused again, I didn't know that....

"Umm, what about Kim Zelda?" I asked and his eyes shot up.

"Sure that's the person you're looking for?" he tried asking and I gave him a look making him gulp before he wrote down her class on a piece of paper for me.

Taking the right directions using the paper I reached the said class.

I peeked in and saw a professor, teaching in progress. I thought about it for a second then waited on the other side of the door.

"You bast-"

"Shh," I whispered to Taehyung who marched at me angrily for leaving him with that old man.

"We've come this far, it's only advisable that we are patient and do things the right way," I said calmly and he stared at me for two seconds before looking at the front as I did, staring at the empty hallway.

A short bell was heard which scared the wits out me as I wasn't expecting it, my heart clenching tighter when Taehyung clung onto my arm.

The professor came out first, looking at our position with a face of disgust and then I felt Tae move away from me, standing straight and tidying his shirt. A kid from that class was about to step out of the class after the professor was out of sight but I stopped him. Pushing him back in and hearing a few curses from his mouth to which I respond with a glare.

"We mean no harm, where's Zelda?" I asked monotone and all eyes turn to the back where they watched an edgy girl who simply stared at me expressionlessly.

"Zelda?" I asked and she nods softly.

"Come with us please," I requested as politely as I could but she hesitated. I felt annoyed and was about to pass some rude remarks but Tae stopped me.

"Please, it's important, we ain't creeps," Tae said smiling widely and I sighed at his choice of words. My ears shot up when I heard a scoff.

"What can I say? Creeps attract creeps," he said, voice dripping sarcasm as he smirked at Zelda, her simply rolling her eyes before taking her steps to us. I was about to smile until she was stopped by a hand on her wrist. Before I could do anything, she kindly pushed away from the boy's hand, reassuring him before walking towards us. This went easier than expected.

As soon as we were out, I could hear the commotion inside the class as all finally got to escape. Zelda quietly followed behind, her figure tall and proud, earphones fitted in perfectly as her hands stayed in the comfort of her pockets.

She followed us out and we continued to walk, her following behind. We stopped at a corner where no one could see us.

"Why aren't you reacting the way we expected you too?" Taehyung asked and she looked like she knew what he was trying to point at.

"I wasn't surprised, I've been having dreams." She said shortly and I passed a glance at Taehyung. 

"I'm afraid you need to help us," Tae said and she nods, the atmosphere quieter than usual almost making me curse out of how awkward it was. The air got thicker and after a few seconds I realized that I was deaf to the conversation between Tae and Zelda, my head hurt and I fell to my knees. My conscious leaving me and I lost my balance, the weight of my body throwing me face-first on the floor.


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now