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"Wouldn't your dad be mad?" I asked while Jimin was seated on the set of stairs outside the house, the front door was open letting some of the sunlight outside enter the quiet house as Zelda was still asleep.

Jimin turned and me and noticed one thing precisely, the two cups of coffee in my hand.

I sat down beside him, only now realising we both were wearing grey pajamas, both of which were mine. He looked at the cup of hot coffee before looking at me questioningly.

"I brought it for you," I said deadpanned and his eyes widened by a fraction.

"Really?" He asked just to be sure and I couldn't stop the sarcasm that left my mouth next.

"I was planning on downing both of them," I said before handing him the cup and retractingy hand to rest on my mug, feeling the warmth.

"He's gonna be disappointed," Jimin said and I turned to look at him.

"Despite all the damage he's done, he still is the man who raised me, just a mere human, every human being drives for power, money, fame, sometimes lust. So for him to want the Steele is understandable, when he knew I was a hellhound, he used that to get his dirty work done," Jimin continued.

"Would you go back to him if you got the chance?" At my direct question, Jimin was a bit silent at first, fighting with his own thoughts.

"I always wanted to ask him, what if I wasn't a hellhound, if I was a human child, like him, would he still want me as much as he does today? If that answer is a 'yes', then surely."

"What about your parents?" Jimin asked, to lighten the mood, not knowing I despised the very mention of my family.

"Let's just say every family has problems of their own," I end shortly and it felt like Jimin took the hint, that I didn't want to talk about my family.

"You're actually not that bad," Jimin said and I whipped my head to look at him.

"You thought I was bad?" I asked and Jimin gulped, knowing even a single word that slipped out of his mouth now could be used against him.

"What's going on boys?" We heard behind us and turned to see Zelda, Yuqi still sound asleep in her arms, her black fur shined from the sunlight that entered the house.

"Guess you're getting along, I should leave-"

"No, wait!" Jimin and I said together making her stop and it looked like Yuqi was waking up from the loud noise.

"Umm, Jimin, by any chance, do you know where the last piece could be?" Zelda asked and I turned my attention to the older too. He looked away in thought before shaking his head.

"As far as I know, the last piece isn't on Earth, even if it is, it isn't hidden, there's no possibility to that," Jimin said.

"There's no need to be sorry, we're this close to finding it, and I trust in us," Zelda said.

"For now, I'm starving, who's up for some soup?" She asked and right then Yuqi pounced up from the close proximity between her and Zelda, she held onto the girl's neck and Zelda smiled, the smile spread onto me like air, making me smile right after.

"I'll make some soup real quick, you guys chat till then," Zelda says and I watch her till she leaves for the kitchen. I turned to look at the sun that rose higher now, people had started coming out of their houses and the coffee in my mug was almost done but the smile on my face wasn't ready to leave.

"Someone's happy," I heard Jimin say and looked at him, he had his eyes to the front but I could see the sly smirk on his face and I just had to panic.

"I don't like her like that," I mumbled and Jimin turned to see me this time.

"I never said you liked her did I?" Jimin said and this time I simply huffed out a breath of air.

I kept my glass beside me before getting up and Jimin didn't even wait before getting up to go inside the house, I ran after him in full speed, stopping when he stood behind Zelda who seemed to be cooking, her back faced us so I was happy she couldn't see what went on here.

"No," I whispered and Jimin wiggled his eyebrows looking between me and Zelda.

"I'm gonna ruin your life baby," Jimin whispered and Zelda fake coughed before turning to look at us both.

"You know I can hear you right, you're no less that ten inches away from me," Zelda said before shaking her head before speaking.

"I think it's time to leave for Agartha, for good this time. There's more to this than we already know."


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now