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"Ignoring me isn't gonna help ya'know, we're gonna have to work together a lot more like this till either of us dies," Jungkook tells me, his eyes watching me from his peripheral vision and I rolled my eyes. First the man gives me the stank eye for over a day and then pretends like he didn't do anything wrong. Men....

"Just because you're angry doesn't mean you impose the blame on ever other man too,"

"What the- stop reading my fucking thoughts you-" he cut me off pursing both my lips together with his fingers then chuckling at how I looked after. His smile reached his eyes that shrinked when he laughed at me and I widened my eyes, slapping his hand away from my face.

"You've cursed enough for today, you're going back to your kingdom now, they wouldn't like hearing you swear at all especially when they see you as their deity," he explains and I grit my teeth at the annoyance from watching his little smirk before he grinned and continued walking till we were out of the castle and ready to leave for mine.

Jungkook stuck out his arms and I raised my eyebrow, watching him surprised.

"Hold my hands already, my arms are burning, we need to get there by tonight," Jungkook said and I sighed, looking at my dark and gloomy surrounding, colored in shades of red and black adorned by his kingdom.

I reached my arms out, holding his hands and shutting my eyes, telepathy working its way as we cast spells to teleport. The gush of wind and uneasy feeling in my chest told me we were closer and in a second I lift my eyelids to be invited by the beautiful scenery of my kingdom, a lot full unlike when we were here last time, there were little girls who were the obvious angels, archangels running around and the sight immediately lifted our hearts, mostly Jungkook's who was enchanted to see numerous children on the castle grounds.

I turned to look at him only to see him gulp, he bit his lip at the sight of happy children, his lips soon widening to form a smile and just like last time, I couldn't stop staring at the boy. Used to his eye rolls, smirks, annoyed sigh and so, finding it immense to see him smile so genuinely.

"Hey Demon," I say loudly causing him to whip his head, some of the children who heard us looked back on us too, they saw Jungkook's dark clothing and jet black hair, confirming the words they heard from me, fear evident in their eyes as they ran away, the others who hadn't heard us simply joined the scared
kids, running haphazard and into the castle. Jungkook's smile turned into a pout at the way they got afraid of him, making me feel satisfied somehow.

"We need to go in and do our jobs as deities remember?" I say and he turns to me with a glare, taking long strides without me and entering the castle, I shook my head, walking I after him, a smile on my face knowing I annoyed him just enough.

We walked past the same corridors, a few of the angels from the grounds before walking back to the room he came out of the moment his eyes met those of Jungkook's and I giggled at Jungkook's disappointment.

He turned to me but this time instead of saying anything at all, he walked towards me, my laughs died down as my eyes widened when he pushed me by the waist onto the wall, his hands remaining there as he pressed into my hips to keep me still between him and the wall in that empty corridor.

I looked up at him in that close proximity to see him glaring down at me, his jaw seemingly tightened and at that moment i felt like I forgot every spell I ever knew.

"Was it that funny my Goddess?" He asked and I pursed my lips at how he addressed me.

His hold on my hips went tighter when he cascaded his arms even more till one of his hands touched the small of my back, closing the space between us by a few more.

"Hmm? Was it funny to make all those kids scared of-" we heard coughs from behind us and I pushed Jungkook immediately, the strength I threw ridding him off me as he stumbled.

A dwarf man stood there, similar white clothing as he stared up at both of us. He hand his hands folded behind him, his tummy out quite visibly and he had side whiskers for hair, a huge bald spot on the top of his head but ultimately, he looked cute that way.

The short old man walked with his small legs towards Jungkook, now a good 5 feet away from me. Jungkook had his head down as he stared at the man, still with his arms folded behind him as he stared up at Jungkook, a grown on his face.

The man lifted one of his hand up and motioned Jungkook to bend down, once he was bent making them both the same height, the older man slapped Jungkook's cheek with that one hand, catching the younger completely off guard as he widened his eyes, looking at the short man up and down.

"How dare you go that close to our Goddess, stupid Demon," he said and I only prayed mentally that Jungkook wouldn't do anything to the older man. Jungkook remained shocked still, as though he had never been hit by anyone before.

The man now walked towards me ask watched down at him, he raised the same arm, reaching out to grab mine as he smiled dearly, leading the way. I looked back at Jungkook, still shocked with his palm holding onto the slapped cheek. He looked at me being taken with the man and car back to his senses, jogging to catch up with us. The man walked us all the way to the courtroom where my mother, just as beautiful as the last time I saw her.

She saw me, surprise and love seen in her eyes as she smiled. The other women and men, a few of the angles, all of them bowed down when I walked past them with the short man till I stood in front of my mother.

"If you're here I'm assuming this has something to do with the Steele," my mother said, looking at Jungkook when she said that and I nod before motioning to Jungkook to show her the diary.

He looked away before sliding his hand in the inside of his black jacket and getting out the age old diary, I watched my mother throughout and saw the very evident shock in her face.

"Why do you have my diary?" She asks with a grown, her gaze moving from Jungkook and onto me, the two of us equally confused.

"Your diary?"


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now