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There was a weird sense of confidence that I felt, a bit inexplicable as I took into consideration my responsibilities. Taehyung had been in my room a lot more lately, he and Yuqi played around and somehow that assured me that I had some company.

I went out the room and walked along the halls to see the room Renjin had been using wide open. There was a weird want in me to go in there, the room was just as big as the others around here, the same crimson red interior filling the room. He wasn't in his room and I took this time to roam through the things he had in here.

There were books, a lot of books and it really got me wondering why he read a lot. I wasn't one that fancied reading as much, I didn't hate it but it wasn't the first in all of my other preferences. To see that I was his blood really got me confused in seeing the numerous books he'd been reading, some of them about Mythology while some of them in a language I wasn't quite sure I knew.

It perked my attention to see that he read a language I had never even seen, much different from the Agarthean language. I picked up one of the thickest of those books and rummaged through the crisp and thick pages, it was clear the ink used in these pages were far coarse than the ones I knew of. I looked around before taking that book into my hand and getting it out if the room.

My eyes looked around to make sure I wasn't being watched, I walked back to my room where Taehyung and Yuqi stopped whatever they were doing instantly.

"Why do you have that? Are you learning more spells?" Taehyung asked me and I shook my head before dropping my body on the thick duvets of my bed. Yuqi clawed her way next to me and went to lay under my arm for warmth, I pet her fur before opening the book and looking through the pages.

Taehyung being the inquisitive boy he peeks into the book that resembled a lot like a diary. He looked around as I flipped through the one too many pages and scoffed.

"Why are you reading an empty book?" Taehyung asked me.

"Haha, very funny," I deadpan and he looks at me, eyes wide open.

"I wasn't joking, why are you reading an empty book?" Taehyung asked and this time I thought about his words, Taehyung wasn't looking like he was in the mood for mischief anyway.

"Do you really not see anything?" I ask him once again, just to be sure and he sighs.

"Apart from a book full of blank pages, I see nothing," he said and I looked through every single page to see writing and scribbles everywhere. I thought back to the possibilities and a vague memory of Minjun- the sorcerer, appeared in my mind, reminding me of the times when he trained me and taught me spells.

My mind hurt trying to think if he ever mentioned anything about language to me before but I couldn't.

"If what you say is true and you really do see words on the paper, then best consult Jungkook, he should know better," Taehyung said as seriousness took over his words and I nod, forgetting about our momentary conflict before heading out to search for Jungkook. Yuqi meowed violently, catching my attention just before I could leave the room and I turned to her, she motioned towards the window in my room and I looked between her and the view outside before walking to the large window.

The flowing river at the view and Jungkook stood there but as I looked around the river, I noticed Renjin's presence there too, I couldn't let him see me, not when I had his book or should I say, a diary with me. I opened the large window and did my very best to communicate with him telepathically.

As if on cue, he turned around to look straight at the window, making Renjin turn as well and I hid behind the window at sonic speed.

'Why the fuck did you have to turn?' I thought until I heard his voice at the back of my head.

' Wait for me then, I'll come up there' I heard him say and breathed in, feeling less tense than I did a second ago. I turned to shut the window to have Renjin staring right at all, all the way from the river, a good 20 feet difference between us, and yet I knew his eyes stared right through mine. He sent me a warm smile and for a split second, I felt horrible about what I was doing.

"Tell me now," I heard Jungkook's voice say from behind me and I motioned for him to lock the door behind him as he entered. I placed the diary on the bed and he looked at it weirdly.

"You brought me all the way here to show me an empty book?" he asked mockingly and I shook my head.

"That's the problem, it's not empty, in fact, every page is filled with writings, smudges, and scribbles but neither of you're seeing it," I tell him and he furrows his brows before picking the book up and turning the pages himself.

"Where did you find this?" Jungkook asked me as his eyes lingered on the book.

"Renjin's room," I tell him and Jungkook looks up at me this time, a touch of confusion in his face.

"According to some legends, as what Minjun told me when I was younger, like on earth, there's some level of black magic in Agartha as well, some of it reserved to the Gods of Life, while some of them reserved to the Gods of Death. After the 19th century though, apart from Gods, hellhounds, souls, grim reapers, witches, angels, and demons were allowed to use such sources of black magic too,"

"The most basic yet crucial of them, are these kinds of books, where they write prophecies and sometimes just personal diaries that hold some level of secrecy in them,"

"In simple words, you can use this language reserved to either the Gods of Life or Death to jot down things you wouldn't want others to read. In this case, it seems this could be the language used only by the Gods of Life, which is why you, or in the times of now, any individual in your kingdom would be able to read this, we aren't able to see a single letter in this book because the language outcasts us,"

Jungkook explains and unfolds yet another secret held onto for ages by the Gods from the past.

"But I'm unable to read it," I tell Jungkook and he rolls his eyes before looking at me again.

"You know there's a language as such as Greek but can you speak it?" Jungkook asks me, clearly knowing that I can't speak the language and so I just shake my head implying a 'no'.

"The same case, you can see it, because the language is reserved to you and not us, you can't 'read' it because you don't speak the language, neither have you learned it," Jungkook explains and this time I understand a lot better.

"So what now?" Taehyung asks earning our attention and Jungkook purses his lips before handing me the diary.

"A fallen angel having secrets dark enough to be written in this way isn't a good thing, we should head over to your kingdom and get someone to read this out for us,"


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now