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"Cheer up!" Taehyung said to me as I stood there, eyes widened and hair tousled.

"How could she do that me? I'm a fucking God and she-"

"Well, that's what anyone would do if you try to kill their dog-

"I wasn't trying to kill it! It was hissing and displaying its pointy teeth, I thought it could mean danger so I-"

"You fucking screamed at it Jungkook. No one does that."

Taehyung deadpanned, after I screamed at the dog, its owner, a really big sloppy woman, saw me and whacked me with her purse, pulling my hair and pushing me on the floor. The memory made me feel overly embarrassed at the large setting.

"Why do humans find us scary when its clearly them," Taehyung said as he sat next to me, fixing my hair and I took a deep breath.

"We still need to find the girl," Tae said and I nod, looking around I saw a few lost souls, they were supposed to be in hell but the sins they committed condemned them, throwing them to be stuck on earth.

They looked pitiful...

I looked around and felt like I was being watched, looking around I noticed a pair of eyes I deemed interesting, they glared at me and I returned the gesture. It opened its mouth and hissed with the large fangs making me intrigued, I opened my mouth and soon enough, my fangs were out in pride as well.

"Can't believe you're gonna be king soon," Taehyung told me as I continued the scaring contest with a black kitten that was watching me through the window.

"Sucks to be you," I said, retracting my fangs and watching how the cat slowly went behind the dark curtains.

"How do we find her?!!" I exclaimed as I man spread on the steps while Tae was standing.

"I'm getting a signal, no- yeah it's gone," He said and I felt how my eyes rolled back at an instant.

"I hate you," I said and felt him kick my foot before stomping away.


"What's that?"

Jimin was inquisitive, not in a bad way, in an annoying way. He kept asking me things around school all day. It was understandable, a new school, new surroundings, it all could make you want to question. But how many?!!

"Lizzo," I said calmly and he widened his eyes.

"Damn, she's one pretty woman," he said and I simply nod.

"My house is that way," I said and he looked over where I pointed.

"Aw, mines right there," He pointed and I saw how our houses were totally opposite to each other.

"Well, see you tomorrow?" He said and I muttered a small 'yes', making him smile and soon we were on our way to our respective homes.

As I walked I felt immediate pain in my stomach, making me almost hurl and bend down but the pain left with the same speed it came. I stood back up and felt how the pains grew numb and I felt better within an instant. Making me take a deep breath and try to cool myself down.

I looked straight to notice two men I never saw around my street before, one chasing the other, reminding me of my childhood. I shook my head to get rid of the memory and soon made my way into the house, smiling at my little Yuqi who walked around my leg, rubbing her tail softly on my skin, purring in delight.


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now