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I placed my palm over the glass of still water, patience running out but I did my best to conquer myself, my powers were strengthening slowly but I needed to work fast if I wanted to start with the real job.

My eyes shut in the tire as my palm hovered over the glass still, eyelids peaking up as soon as I felt a burning sensation around my palm. I felt like I accomplished the world when I saw ice crystals forming and soon enough the waters had hardened to ice. Gleaming with joy I jumped up and down vigorously, clapping my hands together as I wore the biggest smile.

I twirled around, the pleats around my dress moving along with my speed and I saw a very confused Jungkook watching me. At once my hands dropped to my sides as I controlled my smile, moving to the side so that the glass of ice crystals could be seen by him.

"See!", I squealed like a 5-year-old, mentally cursing myself but the smile on my face never left. He didn't reciprocate the emotion though, watching me quietly, eyes filled with void till I saw his pupils move, staring at the glass that dripped snow by now.

He let out a sigh, rolling his eyes before turning around and walking away, even if it was for just a second, I felt discouraged by his demeanor.

"What's wrong with him? Does he not want me to get my powers?" I muttered to myself, turning back to have Yuqi standing right in front of me, making me flinch.

"How long were you here?" I asked and she responded with a motion of her fingers. I scoffed, placing my hands on my hips.

"You could've at least warned me," I spoke out, lightly nudging her as she gave me a toothy grin, doe eyes squinting to form an eye smile. Sometimes I really wish she could speak, I didn't have siblings but Yuqi really felt like one to me.

I could think of countless times when I rant in front of her and she listened to everything, nodding from time to time. She was the only one here that made me feel safe.

- - -

"How has everything been so far?" The Queen asked me as we walked side by side next to the Flowing River. She came out to meet me, which did surprise me at first. The only time I spoke to her was my first day at Agartha.

"Things are getting on, I've started reviving myself, although it's going slow as of now, I promise to work harder," I explained and she nods.

"You know what you have to do, I won't come in your way," She said softly, tilting her head to the side as she smiled at me.

"Although, things are going wayward up in Earth," she continued making me turn to her, eyes knitting by a few.

"The Steele has been stolen already, I'm sure you know that. The problem starts when they learn of its true powers," she told me and I looked away before responding, feet stopping and she paused her strides right after.

"No one on Earth can revive the Steele though," I said and she hums.

"Exactly, no one on Earth, we don't know yet but we're sure of it, there's some negative energy that's pulling the Steele towards it, it isn't one of us though," she states.

"If not us, it could be someone from Hell," I said, thanking myself for having listened to Minjun on day 1 when he explained everything I needed to know about the Steele.

"You've learned well, that's right. But from what we know, there hadn't been any visitors from Hell to Agartha for a while. This is someone we don't know and that's not good at all," she said and looked up, for a second I saw the concern in her eyes.

The Steele for Agartha was like Water to Earth, disregarded by most but a need for all. So easy to abuse without any regrets.

"I need you to leave tomorrow Naeri," she said, I hadn't even gotten my full potential yet, only a few important spells and a bit of control over my element, I wasn't powerful, not yet but the agony in her eyes didn't let me deny.

"Once you agree I'll have a word with Jungkook, you should go together. Taehyung will accompany you, so will Yuqi, they are much powerful compared to you and Jungkook so you shouldn't have anything to worry about. Work hard there," she said, holding my palm in hers.

It wasn't something that always happened, seeing a Queen requesting you with such passion in her eyes, I couldn't even bother to say 'no', uttering a confident 'yes' to which she responds with a smile.

I walked back to my room after that, the long hallway disappearing behind me as I got closer to the large door, opening it and ducking my head right after to dodge the pillow being thrown my side.

"What's going on here?" I exclaimed when I saw Yuqi and one of the little fairies. It was a sight, a 5 foot 3 inches Yuqi trying to tackle a 3-inch fairy, both of them coming to a stop when they saw me.

Yuqi sat down on my bed, giving me her usual doe eyes, while the fairy let out a squeaky 'hmph'. I knew for a fact that the two were intimidated by how I addressed them, taking my chance I walked towards the two ladies.

"Pillow fight!", I scream catching the two by surprise before hitting them with the pillows lying around on the floor. There was this time when I was a God to the world, someone with authority, then there were these times when I enjoyed my freedom.

Tomorrow we were returning back to my home, things were going to change.


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now