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"Jungkook, can you leave us for a bit?" I said out loud and Jungkook gave me a very confused look.

"Please, I'll call you if anything," I said and he looked between us for a few minutes before turning around and going to the room I left for him, now it was just me and Jimin in the living room. I sat down more comfortably this time and looked at Jimin who had his eyes down.

"What's wrong?" I asked and he looked up, I couldn't tell if it was disappointment or sadness in his eyes but he sure wasn't happy.

"Aren't you mad?" Jimin asked and I looked away before joining eye contact once again.

"Why would I be mad now? You didn't do anything to me, did you? You may have lied about your identity but I did that too, you could've had your way with me to get the Steele but you didn't, why then should I even be mad at all?" I asked, my voice sounding genuine and he looked down ashamed.

"I can't force you into doing anything for me, you can lead me to the person who has hold of the Steele, I simply want your guidance, isn't that your ancestral job as a hellhound?" I asked and he nods.

"Who's descendant are you then?" I asked and he bit his lip.

"I, I don't know for sure, all I do know is my mother was a hellhound," Jimin answered and I perked my left eyebrow at the statement.

"Was?" I asked him and his ear twitched almost as if I touched a sensitive issue he dealt with.

"She passed a few years after we settled down on Earth," Jimins said, his eyes now looking down, purely out if respect for the Goddess.

"Why did your mother and you leave Agartha?" I asked next.

"Mother was the highest of the other hellhounds, so she had quite a reputation, it collapsed after she fell in love with a man who later left her when he knew she was pregnant with me, she was ashamed by her own kind and so she came here after giving birth to me, there we met another man, he took care of us and sheltered us, but the disappointment kills her, she died only three years later." Jimin explained and I could see how he was shaking, his hands moved uncomfortably.

"The man took care of us and as I grew under him I called him father, mother wasn't unhappy about it though, after she passed it only took a little while for him to know of my powers, he started using me for his own benefit after that, usually just to rob some if his enemies, it all changed after the former God of Life died, he knew the Steele was unstable and has been wanting me to get it for him," Jimin ends and I nod.

"Is there anything else I should know about?" I asked sincerely, Jimin looked away for a bit before looking up at me.

"I don't know what exactly but my father wants to harm you, you killed the souls at our base last time and he wasn't so happy about it," Jimin said and I stood up, remaining quiet but untangling the restraints around him.


I watched in confusion as Zelda took off the chains, with my abilities I was clearly able to hear whatever Jimin confessed and so I knew he wasn't to blame for all that happened.

Zelda removed the last chain and lend out her hand for him, he looked at her, his eyes showing remorse yet he held her hand to lift himself up.

What happened totally out of my expectations was Zelda embracing the boy. Her head rest on his shoulder as she hugged his waist and my eyebrows frowned as I watched them through the little gap I left between my door and the wall.

I wanted to make sure Jimin wouldn't hurt her but seeing this made my heart burn.

"What's done is done, you never tried to harm me either. You were the first person in years to approach me in that University, to me you were always a friend and still are, that is if you want it too," Zelda said and a tear rolled down Jimins chubby cheeks, he hugged her shoulders and shut his eyes, lips forming a smile and I shut the door.

The large sound not making making me the sight bit nervous as I felty rage take over the best of me.

I bit my tongue hard but that didn't prevent my fangs from protruding out. I grit my teeth as I moved my fingers, various spells sounding at the back of my head and I lift my hand, thrusting it in the air as the burning sensation returned in my eyes.

I breathed calmly after that and opened my eyes to see my bed cut in half, the cut edges still orange as the fire had to run out. I ran my palm over it quickly to avoid a fire and the spark went off. I looked at my bed that was broken in half and bit my lips.

"Guess I'm sleeping on the floor tonight."


Okay but can we just talk about this real quick, our boys did so much for the flood in Assam- Assam is a small state in India and quite prone to such horrid floods and earthquakes with not much adequate infrastructure and to hear that they like many others spent a little bit of their hard earned money for the people suffering really made my pride as an Army just fly sky high, we stan the right men y'all.


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