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I felt my heart skip a beat when she said that it was her diary, why was it even with Renjin in the first place then? Questions started to flood my head, I knew for a fact that my parents didn't meet each other anymore then how? Why?

My head faced the floor and I turned to look at Jungkook who was just as confused as I was.

'Duplicate.' I convey telepathically just to him and noticed his eyes widen before he turned his gaze away from mine.

"Can I have it dear?" Mother said to Jungkook who in a second handed the diary over to her.

"Where did you find it dear? She asked me and something in me stopped myself from telling her the truth. She watched me intently, her doe eyes gleaming but that didn't pursue me the way it did the first time.

"I always had it when I was back on Earth," I lied but made sure she believed my words and soon enough she smiled, easing the light tension that grew between us.

"Was that it?" Mother asked and I thought about it before answering.

"I missed it here, I felt calm so," I explained and bit the corner of my lip, not being able to lie right at her face.

She smiled before lifting her right hand and placing it on my shoulder gently.

"This is your kingdom my child, you don't need a reason to be here, you can for as long as you wish," she says and I felt a tug on my sleeve making me turn to see another archangel.

"I'll be back," I tell my mother who nods and I signal Jungkook to come along with me.

The little archangel smiles, grabbing a hold of my hand and taking me to the castle grounds where the other angels, boys and girls were enjoying their time as usual. The little on looked up to me before letting go of my arm and running off to play with her other friends.

"There's something going on that we don't know about," Jungkook says and I nod.

"I highly doubt Renjin even has the rest of the Steele," I tell Jungkook as we watch the angels run around, some of them soaring on the sky and waves of laughter audible from all corners of the ground.

"Did you duplicate it?" I ask Jungkook who nods before taking out the diary from before, a replica he formed out of the inside of his coat.

"We need someone else to read it for us," Jungkook says and I nod.

"I know who," Jungkook says before walking back into the castle and my eyes widen to see him walking in so carelessly. I jog right after him to see him taking long strides towards the dwarf man from before. I looked around making sure no one saw us in the corridor. Jungkook reached the man before I could and bent down before holding onto the man's shoulders.

"Can you help us?" Jungkook asked, stating into the older's eyes.

"No, can't do, Demon Sir," he said before turning on his heels but it seemed as though Jungkook was having none of it. He walked closer to the man before lifting him up and throwing the older onto his shoulders leaving him helpless as he grunts.

"You're helping us whether you like it or not," Jungkook held onto the older man and I looked between the two men disturbed by how Jungkook was taking his powers head on.

"Seperiosi," I say and the two get throw off away from each other and hit the walls on either side, both men grunt in pain and Jungkook whined before glaring at me.

I ignored him and walked towards the older man who knelt down in front of me out of respect despite being in pain only seconds ago.

"Please, your assistance might help us get the Steele back, you'd want that too won't you?" I ask him and he nods, head bowing down.

- - -

"I didn't know things would end this way, the man I loved left me till I was nothing but my kingdom held onto me tight, the husband I left for the man I loved embraced me regardless of how impure I had become. His punishment being taking part of me away, my daughter. I never saw Naeri but a part of me always felt her, her happiness and her sorrows."

"When the Steele reaches a hand that has been impure, a soul that has touched adultery, a body that has submerged itself under infidelity; the Steele requires a sacrifies of that sinner's first born. I felt scared but also relieved that my daughter was taken away from me, though I remained restless every single day."

The man went on and with every page we were only more and more troubled by what appeared. The first few parts being all about what my mother told me when I first met her, how my Godfather, the former God of Life took care of me and the rest being her fear against the Steele.

Whatever we learned about the Steele through this diary was something we never learned from the sorceress and that scared us, what more did the Steele hold? How many more secrets? How many revelations?

"That's it?" I asked the older man who read the diary for us, being fluent in the language.

"Apparently. The rest of the pages seems to be ripped out," the man said making me more skeptical about the issue on hand.

"Zelda, you're the first born, aren't you?" Jungkook asked me after the older man read out whatever was written in the diary.

"If I were only to sacrifice myself for the saftely of the Steele I could've done it beforehand," I said and noticed how Jungkook's large doe eyes grew smaller.

"But thats not the case right now, we need some answers and Renjin is the only one we can go to now."

"Thank you sir," I tell the older dwarf who smiles before bowing down, sending a glare towards Jungkook before sprinting off.

We held hands and took ourselves back to Jungkook's kingdom, only to be surprised at the commotion there.


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now