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The door shut with a loud noise and I sighed, letting go of the breath I didn't realize I was holding. Jungkook rests his body on the comfort of the couch and he looked up at me for a split second before his eyes directed to look elsewhere.

"You and the Queen got along pretty well huh," he spoke after some minutes of silence and I look at him questioningly.

"The Queen, you mean your mother-"

"I know what I meant, you guys seemed comfortable around each other," he says, looking everywhere but me.

"Well, she does speak to me just like I would expect my mother to, so yes, she made me feel comfortable," I tell him and he simply nods.

"She always wanted a daughter, so it's understandable how she took a quick liking to you," he tells me and realization dawned upon me. It felt nice to think that The Queen saw me as her daughter when I was still just a simple human.

"Say, your mother, is the queen of dead souls, cause you're the God of Death, that means she doesn't rule over Agartha, correct?" I ask and he nods after thinking for a few seconds.

"There's not one single ruler for Agartha, among rulers over death, The Queen has some authority after me. In your case, its you who's ruling," he informs me.

"That means there's a few authorities present ruling over Life too right?" I ask and he nods, lips forming a small pout.

"Like we have a castle, where everyone had authority over death resides, you have one too,"

"Then why haven't we gone there yet?" I ask and he looks away, as though he hadn't thought of this before either.

"I'm not quite sure but, you were residing at our Castle cause you hadn't activated your powers, also all of you relatives, the closest of closest have all passed away, your mother expired while giving birth and your dad, you know," he continues and I nod.

"How do you know so much about me?" I ask him, suddenly turning all serious. He stiffens a bit and I was sure I heard his breath hitch, he looked at me, his big doe eyes widening by a fraction as his lips go tightened.

"Since you don't know shit about your origins, someone should, don't you think?" And he's back, sarcasm lacing with each word and I rolled my eyes.

- - -

"Recrudescantes ea aquamous," I say to the still water levitating a few centimeters above my palm and it falls back limp, sprinkling a bit on my face; something that would've made me irritable on other days but at the moment, I was proud of myself. Taehyung gave quick seal-like claps making my smile wider.

It was yet another day at the park and we were situated in front of the fountain, at the further end of the park grounds. Jungkook made sure to keep the kids busy, something he was great at. He managed to hold all of them back from me and Taehyung who were busy casting spells, using his sociable skills- restricted to kids.

The day went by and the more I learned the more I felt accomplished. Tomorrow was my last as a meager learner, my birthday- awaited by Agartha and of course, me. I was gonna get the strength to carry out all of my powers tomorrow, so we spent the entire day solely at the park grounds.

Nightfall had begun and the number of kids around fell by rapidly with all of them going back to their humble abodes with their respective parents. I was a bit tired, we hadn't had much to eat and I'd been casting spells all day, my throat was a bit sore and it looked like Jungkook was tired too.

He was found resting on one of the nearby benches, arms sprawled as he man spread, head hanging loosely on the edge of the bench as he breathed, the kids for sure tired him out. So far, Taehyung worked relatively well, he had been more of a determined coach than I ever expected him to be.

"Last for today," he says sternly and I pout absentmindedly.

"Promise?" I ask, looking at him with doe eyes and he looks down, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose as his forehead had visible wrinkle marks from all the frowning he had been doing, me being more than half of the reason to it. Jungkook being the other half.

"Aqua ortumous," I say the usual spell, and a gush of the water rises up at an instant, the familiar chill forming quickly under my palm.

"Aquam usquesies," I say right after causing the water to stay still as I moved my palms to the side, as though controlling the path for the water droplets to travel, as I increased the speed and slid the water downwards, I was yet again mesmerized by the way I formed a narrow barrier, large enough to cover my entire body.

"Hold it," Taehyung says and goes behind the barrier. He directs Jungkook to come our way and he does, standing behind the barrier where I could see a vague image of him, his face all blurry.

His palm lifts up on the other side and I notice how the space in front of his palm started to glow, a deep orange shade which I soon came to know as a fireball. It wasn't the first time I saw him doing this but I was still fascinated as ever.

He brings the ball of fire, swirling it around his fingers as it neared my barrier, thickening with each passing second. The fire couldn't go through my barrier and I smiled. He tried harder, I could see how the simple ball of fire grew to cover his hand and he tried to protrude in. 

"Recrudescantes ea aquamous," I say and the water engulfs his pit of fire before all the water sprinkled out, dropping a bit on all of us as we turned our heads away, my hair was a bit wet at the ends of each strand and so was Jungkook's, Taehyung clapped after and my smile never died.

Jungkook started with a smirk but it soon turned to a small smile.

"I guess you're ready,"


The Agarthean language I'm using is a bit similar to another language, can anyone tell what it is?

: )

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