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My eyes lifted lazily, it felt like I'd been asleep for ages. The image of what happened before I blacked out returned and I rose up almost immediately. I breathed out clutching my chest, reaching for air.

It took me a while to look around, late to notice the lavish room I was in. Anxiety spread through my body as I tried recalling how I got here. Feeling eyes on me I turned to the side, a girl with doe eyes looked at me intently, not much of an expression on her face, not like I had much of expression myself.

I was looking around at the room, mesmerized by the choice of colors. The walls were a bright beige, everything else that brought the room to life -curtains, wardrobe, bedsheets- a deep red color.

The girl was dressed in a pretty vintage red lace dress, she went on to stare at me and I started to feel out of place.

"Where am I?" I asked her politely but she barely tried to answer. Eyes still watching me, head tilted to the side. She had deep red lips and purple eyes, her fingernails a deep shade of maroon. She got up, elegantly arranging her dress before looking at me once more, she walked towards the door, opened it, and looked at me again. It looked like she wanted me to follow her.

Sighing before walking after her I noticed how she hadn't uttered a single word. I maintained a safe distance as I didn't want things to repeat after what happened with Taehyung. She went on walking by the long corridors, all decorated by pieces of vintage art.

Honestly, it looked like a pathway from the 40s, somehow having a calming effect surrounding it. The beige walls grew brighter as we made our way to a certain doorway. A good ten feet long door, wide enough for 10 adults to walk in hand in hand. The carpets were a similar blood-red color and I kept following after the girl.

In the center of the entire hall, a single throne that gave off a feeling in me, one that I couldn't distinguish, a sense of calm and anguish at the same time.

A woman, her aura powerful as two henchmen stood on each side of the throne, she watched as I followed after the girl from before. She turned to me, her jet black long curly hair swaying slightly as she turned. She smiled before leaving me there, I gulped on turning to the woman who smiled at me.

"You look just like her, a pleasure to have you here Naeri."

- - -


"It feels nice to know I can do things I want to without having to think about now,"

"This is the reason Father took your powers away, sucks to know you still haven't learned your lesson," Taehyung said to me as we played with the guards working at the gates, skies red and orange as bats flew around the guards, hurting them at a timely pace.

I laughed as I watched the guards struggle.

"You're sick," I heard him say to me, watching disgustingly I had my arms folded under my head, resting on the floors of our palace.

"I'm going out for a while," he said, not waiting for my reply before opening the doors to leave.

His body fell down, a loud thud catching my attention as I saw him on the floor and a girl who I assumed knocked the door open on top of him. She straddles his waist as her fists go to hold around his neck. I didn't do anything, simply watching the girl who was gutsy enough to do something of the sort.

"Bitch-" Taehyung called out before winding his powers, standing in one go before hoisting the girl up with his left hand strangling her. She chocked out and he let go of his hand, dropping the girl down as she laid on her back, arms holding her up.

"You're the only bitch I see here, why'd you do that to me?" She screamed and it took me a while to recognize her- Zelda. She glared up at him and Taehyung looked like he regretted something. I scoffed at him before looking away, knowing exactly what was coming up.

"I'm sorry, it wasn't me I promise, I must've hurt you, forgive m-"

"Cut it out," I said to Taehyung who was apologizing frantically to her when he came to his senses. He was my brother, so for sure he was a demon like me but sometimes, it really pained me to see him so weak. He'd act out of rage but once he came to his senses, he'd go back to being his usual self.

She turned to me when I said that and glared at me.

"Oh sweetheart, I'm pretty sure I could do that way better than you," I said as I glared back at her, my bright red eyes blaring at her simple brown ones but she didn't waiver once, something I wasn't expecting from a mix. It should be fun around this one.


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now