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He smiled sheepishly and I widened my eyes in realization.

"You left her at my place and brought me without her?!!" I exclaimed, voice straining at the anger I was starting to feel, Taehyung tried stopping me to explain but I didn't wait, turning around to leave I saw the figure of the same girl I saw when I first got here.

She still watched me intently with her doe eyes the same way she did that day, looking away I took steps forward but she stopped me, standing in front of me, still quiet.

Before I could rant out to her she knelt down in front of me, her red dress tidied around her as she bowed her head and then looked up at me, winds blowing under the night sky making her look adorable, my eyes softened and somehow I didn't feel sad anymore.

"That's her," I heard his voice behind me and so I turned, Taehyung's thin black shirt flowing with the winds around and I looked back at the girl still kneeling in front of me.

"But Yuqi is a cat-"

"A shapeshifter."

He stated and I turned my head to look back at the girl, now standing up, Taehyung's words making it more accurate, given the color of her eyes.

"She was given to you for your protection I guess, I knew I felt strong negative energy in your house, plainly surprised when I knew it was your cat," he explained and I just stood there confused.

"Are you really her?" I asked the girl and she nods her head, making me a bit lightheaded from how much I heard today.

- - -

The basement was just as beautiful as another mansion, filled with beautiful white witches. It felt surreal as I thought of how I always read about them as a kid. Unlike how it was discriminated in the book, there were women of all colors here. Smiles adorning their faces as they saw me.

Yuqi, the pretty girl that had been around me since day 1 here, guide me along the path and showed me around, mainly those areas where I'd have to be most. She couldn't speak though, which bummed me out a little.

I watched as the witches made potions and fit them all in a white chest, filled with medical supplies required by the Gods for when they age. Unlike humans, God's age with everything they do wrong. Humans don't have a choice, with every year passing another year added to their life but Gods, they age a hundred times with every time they abused their powers.

It was fascinating, how nature was justified beautifully.

"Miss this is for you," one of the witched said to me and I saw a crystal blue pendant in her hands. Smiling at her, I asked.

"What is this for?"

"To protect your stupid human ass," I heard the voice that had been annoying me since yesterday. Sighing I turned after noticing how every one of the witches stopped their actions and bowed their heads in front of God to be.

"You never fail to annoy the shit out of me-"

"No cursing baby, you need to be pure for your category," he said, smirking and I raised my eyebrows.

"Category?! Life is a category for you?" I asked annoyed and felt how the room got silent, the witches not moving around in fears of angering Jungkook. He walked closer to me, hands still in the pocket of his jeans, black shirt unbuttoned revealing a part of his chest, jet black hair only finishing the look.

"What else could it be?" he asked, bending lower to match heights with my head only a tiny bit.

Before he could get any closer Yuqi pushed him aside, blocking him from me. He only scoffing at her at the height difference, Yuqi was only as tall as his chest which probably amused him.

"You're starting your training today, heck load of knowledge so better work hard," he said to me and turned around leaving. The witches smiled apologetically before returning back to their work.

Yuqi walked me to the last place of the day where I had to meet the Sorcerers, where Taehyung was speaking to one of the older men. He saw me enter after Yuqi and smiled, walking up to the two of us.

"They are ready to start the lessons today, you don't have much time so you make sure you pay good attention to all they do and preach okay?"

"I'll give my best," I said and Yuqi smiled up at me from where we stood.


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now