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There was fire almost everywhere, the normally dull and orange skies in Jungkook's kingdom were now a bright red. Flames lit everywhere and ashes falling down like rain. The negetive energy fed off of me making a burning pain rise in my chest and I felt myself jerk back, clenching my fist on my chest to ease the pain however it never helped. Before I could fall Jungkook held me, stabilising my body with his hands holding tight on my shoulders, he gazed at my condition, unsure of what to do but yet again he was a God himself.

He couldn't just sit back and take care of me, he sat me down calmly before his eyes burned a beautiful shade of bright orange and his cheeks grew paler than ever before, lips a bright red and fangs peeking their way out. His skin looked almost translucent as he grit his teeth before he turned on his heels and bolted away in a speed I couldn't decipher.

I could feel my powers activating once again, painful and heart wrenching as I winced before I could feel the cooling sensation around my eyes and  the bones around my spine moving painfully. My shoulder blades felt a sharp pain and I felt the 34 inch long grey wings bear out, making me muffle my cries as I watched Renjin with his black wings, the fallen angel in it's truest form and I almost pitied myself to be born of the man. I levitated off the ground as I felt my tippy toes touching the grounds finally drift up and my wings plunged out to their full size.

Renjin turned to look at me, his eyes leaving grey smoke as they burned when he made eye contact with me. His skin started to make cracks around them, like he was made of broken pieces of glass sticker together. He grunt in pain and Jungkook took this time while Renjin was off guard to attack the fallen angel.

Renjin growled when he saw Jungkook throwing gushes of fire at him and raised his palms, as if a spell had been casted the burning ashes raised up and Renjin blazed them all towards Jungkook. I felt the pain grow worse till the veins around my wrist turned crytal white and the skies started turning grey, the shades growing darker till the fires Jungkook emitted towards Renjin were the only thing producing light.

I looked up, my crystal white eyes looked up at the close to black sky as clowds swirled together and a loud lightning struck, thunders sounding afterwords and the flowing river at the front of the castle shook back and forth.

I shut my eyes when I saw a small gist of the waters falling wildly and I openedy wings proudly as they took me higher and all of the waters came down with great force. The force enough to suffocate mankind as the cold waters hit the grounds and grew heavier with each passing second. Jungkook was in pain because of it along with Renjin, the two being unable to breathe but what mattered more was to stop the fallen angel who had almost disrupted the entire kingdom.

The residents of the castle were now shut inside, the force of my powers shutting the doors and gates with great strength. I looked towards Renjin who tiredly made and effort to attack Jungkook now kneeling on the ground because of the inability to breathe and yet he did all he could to fight the older. I stopped a few drops of water, turning them into ice crystals and aimed to strike towards Renjin.

"Numquamu condemnassetis innocentesias vobisien peccataio vestrasiosi."

The waters stopped at an instant and the clouds slowly drifted away bringing things back to normal though the kingdom looked gloomier than before. Jungkook stood back up, his knees giving away but he stood strong and I felt myself stand back on the ground. Renjin struggled to get back up and he stood up painfully slow, the doors and gates opened up and the ones inside finally got out.

My wings retracted back and at once I walked towards my father who was now dusting himself. I clenched my fists and punched his chest once I got closer to the man. His body jerked back and he looked up at me, gulping right after.

"Daughter, listen,"

"No, why were you even here in the first place, just leave already is destruction is all you care about," I screamed at him with all my might. My fists continuing to push him back till he caught hold ofy wrists, holding them tight so I couldn't harm him anymore.

"I wasn't the one that started this anyway, where's my diary?!" He said, this time looking straight at me and I wreatched my hand out of his hold.

"Jungkook," I called out and he looked between me and Renjin before reaching for the diary, stopping a second before only to look straight at Renjin who was still waiting.

"Why is this so important to you? It isn't even yours," Jungkook said to my father who walked up to Jungkook and snatched the diary from his hands.

"Don't touch my things again, or the Steele never comes back to you, I still have it remember," he says and turns on his heels only to stop once again.

"We know it isn't with you and that you're in this castle just to waste time, the Steele is still on Earth," I said to Renjin who now turned to look at me, Jungkook was equally confused as all this while we knew the Steele was held captive by Renjin.

"Well then you might also know that you aren't gonna live too long don't you my Goddess, Naeri?" Renjin asked and I tightened my jaw.

"After all, you're my first born."


So to anyone that's confused, the Steele is pure right, so if anyone that has committed adultery of any form has touched the Steele it disrupts the purity of the Steele and a curse is unleashed onto the fruit of whoever it was that committed adultery. In this case it's Renjin who had an illegitimate child- Naeri, also knows as Zelda.

So according to the legend, Renjin, the fallen angel who committed adultery with the wife of the former God of Life, who in turn gave birth to Zelda.

Any more confusions feel free to list them down, this is just the brief explanation of this chapter.

Just questions though not anything about the plot 😉


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