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I woke up to Jungkook sitting on my bed, till I realised it wasn't even my bed, neither was it my room. I sat up straight and Jungkook simply watched me as I regained myself.

I was afraid I might blurt something and so I kept quiet and stared back at him.

"You tried to kissy kissy me last night," he said, his eyebrows slightly frowning and my eyes widened.

"But that's not what matters more now," he started and I visibly gulped, cursing myself after.

"What did you mean when you said that you don't want to die?" Jungkook asked quite straightforward and I looked away, not being able to face him.

"Don't force me to get my answers myself Naeri, you know damn well I don't need to begging for answers when I can get them on my own will, as a fellow God, respect the fact that I'm here asking you patiently."

There it was, he called me by my birth name, making everything a lot more serious, he wasn't wrong, he could easily read my mind but he didn't do that.

"What's eating you up Naeri?"  he asked and I almost choked on my own breath. I had my head down and shut my eyes when I felt him holding my clenched fist, he rubbed his thumb on my skin and I bit the inside of my lip, not knowing how to start.

"There's a way we can get the Steele," I told him and he looked at me questioningly.

"That can't be it-"

"But for it to come back, I would have to give over my soul, in simpler terms, I'll have to turn to dust if the last part of the Steele is to return," I confessed and he quietly listened. His hand on mine tightened Andi held myself from tearing up.

"There could be something else we can do-" he tried reassuring but I was done for.

"No Jungkook, nothing can change the fact that I'm gonna die, it was my father who adultered with the Steele, I'm his daughter and it all only makes sense, heck I couldn't even do one thing properly, I've been here ever since I was coronated, I haven't even stayed in my kingdom, why-" while I had my eyes shut and ranted my heart out, I flinched a bit when I felt his hand go to hold my nape, my eyes opened quick to see him inch closer till our lips touched, a chill ran down my spine feeling his warm lips, I felt a burn in my chest as he moved his lips with mine.

I closed my eyes feeling his fingers tangled around locks of my hair as he kissed me gently. The thought that I would have to leave him, Jimin, Taehyung, my mother and Yuqi all behind cause a tear drop down my eye as we kissed. I knew he felt the tear that dropped down my cheek and he only deepened our kiss. His hold on me tightened making me melt into the kiss, I felt out of breath making me pull away with my eyes still closed, he used that moment to rub his hand comfortingly on my shoulder.

He placed his forehead on mine, the internal heat wearing off his head spreading to mine and I smiled painfully.

"I've wanted to do that for so long," he said and I pulled away and Jungkook spoke.

"No one needs to know, you're in my kingdom, till then we'll find a way-" there was shuffling heard right outside Jungkook's door and without any second thoughts he bolted to the door, his eyes widening when he saw who it was.

"The Steele is important to the whole of Agartha, and you two are supposed to be responsible not plan lies," Minjun's voice made my breath hitch.

"The Queen needs to know, I'm gonna have to speak to your mother Jungkook," Minjun said and walked off. I got off the bed and ran to the door.

"Zelda stop him, build the barrier," Jungkook told me and I did so, using my powers to create a barrier between him and the path he chose, he turned to look at us, disappointment clear in his eyes.

"This isn't gonna stop me, if she is to die she has to-"

"She can't die, she has a kingdom to look after, not just that, she doesn't have a descendant whatsoever, who is going to be her successor in that case," Jungkook tried reasoning but Minjun seemed adamant.

"I'm sorry Naeri."


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now