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"She's your mother she should know about-"

"She's just the Queen, that too just for our kind, she wouldn't know a thing of what goes on around your paternal kingdom, you've been coronated anyway so what's the fear about?" Jungkook asks back which only got me a lot more annoyed with the whole situation.

"Bitch," I muttered under my breath but of course, he heard the little whisper.

"You're the God of Life and are supposed to attain purity within yourself, not gonna happen if your pretty mouth keeps swearing," Jungkook retorts, a small sarcastic smile and wide eyes the fueled me a lot more than I was before.

"Take care of the Steele," Jungkook says, a bit serious this time and I nod looking away. The two of us shut our eyes a similar difference in the wavelength around us made me feel a bit nauseous, like when you're seasick.

From my living room where we stood seconds ago, we now stood in front of the Castle gates where I belonged, Yuqi stood back, being a shapeshifter she wasn't allowed in and something about the air felt different on reaching here. There was a feeling of home and confusion wearing out of the house and on me. We were back to Agartha, standing in front of the gates where I would reign for the rest of my life.

It was only a matter of time for us though, as Gods with great power, we had the ultimate responsibility. We were supposed to be on Earth, searching for the rest of the hidden parts of the Steel, but instead, we came back without letting anyone know.

Unlike Jungkook's kingdom, The Gates of Life had a more peaceful attire, giving off a feeling of welcome. The burning sensation I felt on Earth was now felt by Jungkook as well, being around the positive energy was in some way, feeding off him. He shook his head and motioned for us to start on our little outing.

There was something about me that a legitimate God of Life wasn't supposed to possess, the problem was we didn't know what. We were here to find out, to find anyone that was related to me who could tell me what I was.

Jungkook and I used our divine powers and teleported into the Castle without another soul knowing, it was meant to happen either way but we couldn't afford to lose any time. A quick gush of air surpassed us and we now stood on top of pearly white-furred carpet, making a bit conscious of myself and my surroundings.

The Castle looked overly empty, the atmosphere almost similar to Jungkook's castle. Not a single person in sight as we walked past the large corridors.

"This reminds me of that movie I watched at your house," Jungkook tells me earning my attention.

"What movie?" I ask as my eyes keep searching for anyone I could find.

"A group of people who kept crying about being stuck between huge walls made of swampy grass," Jungkook explains as we walk cautiously and I make a sudden stop at his absurd description. At the stop of my strides, Jungkook turns to look at me, one of his eyebrows perked up.

"The Maze Runner?" I ask, a bit baffled and he thinks for a few seconds before nodding, his bangs moving along with his nods. Not being able to hold myself quite well I end up chuckling, my head turning to look down at the white carpets and the two of us flinch on hearing a voice behind us.

"Who are you two?" we hear and in sonic speed, whip our heads to look back at who called out on us. The much taller woman gasps at once and lowers herself to a bow.

"Your Majesty," We hear and I turn to Jungkook in confusion.

'She's talking to you, Idiot,' I hear his voice in my head and mentally curse myself.

The woman walks closer to us and her fearful expression turns to look more sympathetic, the woman who towered over me, stared down at my face and to my surprise, she lifted her hand, placing her warm palm on my cheek. Her nude colored lips quivering slightly and feline eyes frowning as she looked through me.

"You were awaited dearly Naeri," She says and I look at her, eyes blinking in confusion. Did she know my name?

The lady's hand went lower to hold onto mine as she guided me to someplace, my face immediately turned to Jungkook who nods before following after us two women. Soon enough, passing many corridors we came in front of a large door opened to it's extreme, it looked like a little courtyard as it was filled with many women. A 40x40 inch square floor surrounded by adult women dressed in modest wraps.

At our arrival, the loud chatters came to a stop and the lady's hold on my wrist tightened.

"The God of Life has arrived," the lady shouts out for all to hear and at once, there's an atmosphere filled with joy as chatters start sounding once again. Women covering their mouth as they whispered to each other and within seconds, the held onto the edges of their dresses, bending down on their left knees as their heads hung low, among all of them, one woman caught my attention.

Unlike the others present, she didn't bow down, neither did she look away from my eyes as she walked past all the kneeling women and closer to me. From my peripheral vision, I could see Jungkook looking between me and the said woman.

As she stood only a few feet away from me, my eyes softened as I deciphered her features, a woman so beautiful, hair parted to the side. She stood in front of me and I could clearly feel the beating of my heart louder than earlier.

Her pupils shook as she looked at me, her hands going to cup my cheeks, lips smiling wide and with just her touch I felt the feeling of home.

"Mother," I whispered before a teardrop I hadn't even predicted fell down my cheeks and onto her skin. She pulled me into a hug and twirled me around, stopping to place my feet back down, never relieving me from the hug, and through teary eyes, I looked up at Jungkook who had his eyes on me already. The boy smiled and my smile only widened. Jungkook looked down to his feet before looking back at me and moving further away, still in my sights.

"How I missed you."


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now