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"But it's my birthday!" I yell at Taehyung, pretty sure I was being a brat right now but it's not like I could help it.

"No Zelda, you're not inviting Jimin. You have the two of us and Yuqi that's enough, she can just shapeshift to make you feel like you have another 'friend'" Taehyung complains back, arms folded and he gives me one last glare before walking out of the kitchen.

Taehyung was seated on the couch, petting Yuqi and I thought about what to do, Jimin wasn't a really close friend but he still helped me many times, I didn't even know if I was ever gonna be in Earth as often as I was now.

I looked towards the room where Taehyung and Jungkook resided at the moment, huffing before coming to conclusion. Taking cautious steps to their shared room, I knocked before twisting the doorknob and entering.

Jungkook was levitating on his bed, something I hadn't seen before with my Mocking Jay book in his hands, his eyebrows were furrowed as he stared at the page, he probably didn't know I was here yet.

I cleared my throat to earn his attention and he turned to look at me, his body colliding back on the mattress and the book now on his face. He pulls the book away, sitting up to look at me.

I smiled, walking in, and taking a seat next to him.

"Nice book huh," I say while staring at the book in his hands.

"Kinda, you humans do weird things," he says, mentioning the intel in the book and I nod approvingly.

"We all do," I whisper and think of the right words to use.

"Nice pyjamas," I tell him and his left eyebrow raises in suspicion and I cursed at myself for gulping. He placed the book aside, arms going around his chest where he folds them.

"Well," he starts and I look everywhere but him, trying to come up with the right words.

"Nervousness doesn't suit you," he says and I nod.

"You know how in human tradition we cut a cake on our birthdays right?" I start.

"Just cut to the chase," he deadpans and I grin nervously.

"Can we please invite Jim-"


I just stare at him as he lays back down and starts reading the book.

"Why not?" I ask and he peeks to look at me.

"You were the one who said you could feel his negativ-"

"That wasn't human Jungkook, Jimin is and I'm sure nothing's wrong with him,"


"We'll have cake on your birthday too," I promise him and notice how his eyes widen a bit.

"I'll think about it,"

- - -

"Thanks for inviting me Naeri-"

"It's Zelda to you," Taehyung deadpans at him, arms folded and eyes hooded and what amused me was Jungkook stood next to him, same expression, same posture.

Jimin looked at me before turning his gaze to the floor, nervously laughing before handing me a little gift and walking in. Before Taehyung could follow the guy I pulled him to look at him.

"You promised to be nice," I tell him and before he could complain I lift my fingers, tugging at the elastic around his chin attached to the birthday hat, pulling it just enough then leaving it, earning a small whine from him.

Jungkook simply scoffs before walking in. Jimin was playing around with Yuqi who looked quite comfortable around him. His fingers combed Yuqi's jet black fur and I felt Jungkook next to me then.

"If you could stop with the gawking maybe we could set the cake," he says looking at me up and down as though in disgust and I just glare back.

"Happy birthday!" Jimin said as I blew the candles and started to cut good enough pieces for all.

"Sorry Yuqi, you're a cat you can't have any," I say, bumping her nose with my index finger before cleaning the place up.

"I guess the party's over, kay bye," You hear behind you to see Taehyung shutting the door then fist bumping Jungkook, the two had already shoved him out and I just had my hands on my waist staring at them.

"What?" Jungkook asks when he sees me.

I just shake my head before picking Yuqi up and going to the gift Jimin got me. I uncovered the modest wrapping to find a lavender pendant. I smiled as it had been a while since I received a gift from a friend. I close the box and keep it aside, starting to pet Yuqi.

- - -

I kept thinking about the entire day as I got ready for bed, while I brushed my hair I thought of how the two brothers looked when we had cake in the house, chuckling a bit. I heard some shuffling around my room, on turning to look at the source I saw an envelope at the little opening under my door. Rising up to go fetch it, I sat back on my bed, tearing open the envelope to find a letter and must I say, it had terrible handwriting.

So, yeah, happy birthday. I'm sorry if we ruined it for you but we tried to be good. Promise. Sorry if we embarrassed you or anything. I and Taehyung couldn't get you any gifts cause, of course, we don't really go out and neither do we have any idea about the things here. If we do go back to Agartha soon, even if we don't, we owe you one.

Not just cause it's your birthday, you provide us with a roof over our head. Back in Agartha, we respect that, don't know if that's a thing on Earth though. I write well don't I, I know I do.


- J

'So he does have feelings', I thought to myself. My head hurt and the words on the letter started to get blurry, the familiar burning sensation returned in my eyes and I felt a tug on my chest. Without even realizing it, I passed out.


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now