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I could take my eyes of Jungkook after we got back home, only a few hours left till we were to go back to Agartha and I really craved some good Alfredo pasta. After a bit of bickering and convincing Jungkook agreed to it in one condition, I would have to make him some too. Despite the whole manly side of Jungkook I had been seeing since day one, I couldn't help but find him utmostly adorable.

"Stop staring at me, it's weird," Jungkook said while quietly chewing on a mouth full of pasta, though his voice sounded intimidating I couldn't help my hands to myself when I went to pinch his cheeks. Unlike what I had in mind I ended up pulling his cheeks way harder than I was supposed to, causing him to shriek.

"The fuck, at least let me eat in peace woman!" he screamed in pain, a pitch I never heard from him as his voice elevated at least two or higher octaves and I chuckled making him annoyed a lot more than he was before.

"You must be happy," I asked him and he turned to me, eyebrows perking up in question.

"Why so?" he asked and I shrugged.

"You're going back home tonight," I gave him the reason and he nod.

"Taehyung probably cam cause he missed me," he said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes.

"I think we both know who missed whom more between the two of you," I remarked, this time smirking myself and he nudged my elbow, pushing me on the couch and I just laughed at him.

"Take what you feel you'd need most, we're leaving," he deadpanned and I nodded with a teasing smile, Jungkook glared at me before ruffling his hair and walking to the kitchen with his empty plate.

- - -

"The Gods are here, my Queen," Minjun- the sorcerer lets Jungkook's mother know as she gazed at the one river where I had revived my powers first. She turns to see us, along with Yuqi- now in her human form and the girl bowed in humility, Jungkook's mother smiled at her before fixing her gaze to the two of us.

"I've heard of what happened through Taehyung, it must've been a shock to you Naeri," the Queen asks me, her arms folded elegantly in front of her chest as she watches me.

"It dwelled upon me now, I've learned to grow from the fact," I tell her and she nods in approval.

"You did well Son," the Queen tells Jungkook, finally giving him her attention and Jungkook looks away from her eyes before nodding and giving me a look before leaving.

"I know I shouldn't barge into your matters but Jungkook for sure doesn't hate you, ma'am," the Queen breaths out a laugh at the way I addressed her and she just gave me a smile.

"I know he doesn't but it gets hard sometimes, you should understand," she asked me and I nod.

"Renjin has unleashed all the other souls back to hell only some time ago, that only means one thing, always be prepared, though he may be related to you, none of us can predict the cards he pulls out his sleeves and know one thing for sure, nothing is more important than the Steele," the Queen informs me and now all we had to wait was for my father to arrive, my only hope was he would be sensitive about the negotiation between two kingdoms.

The kingdom waited for him, Jungkook's castle was lit in orange hues and the place where I first met the Queen, the hall resembled that of a courtyard as the Queen sat on her throne with Jungkook right next to her, dressed in the usual all black and I walked myself to stand on her left side. The hall was filled with the sorcerers and witches that had been serving in the castle for years. Taehyung gave me a reassuring look from the front of the crowd and I returned the gesture with a small smile.

The hall was silent when we heard footsteps, heels clicking on the grounds as the entire room went quiet and in wait, for the person, we all were here for. It was all silence till we finally saw his figure, my father's figure. He walked down the center of the brownish maroon carpets, he was all alone and I could see how his eyes remained solely on me, the moment he was about 10 feet away from the Queen's throne he stopped on his footsteps, sending me a small smile and I couldn't help but look away.

"I assume you're here for peace," the Queen breaks the silent atmosphere and my father simply grins, it was only now that I noticed his attire, pitch-black clothing, his eyes were a deeper shade of black in comparison to those of Jungkook's and Taehyung's. He was pale as the color white and he stood at most about 6 feet tall.

"I only agreed to negotiate, not for peace," Renjin tells the Queen who only sighs at his use of words.

"You can put forward your requests," the Queen tells him and Renjin heaves a deep breath, his eyes shooting up to look at the burgundy ceiling and after a few seconds of thinking, he brought his eyes back to the Queen.

"I want my daughter," he says and takes only one step forward but the moment he does, the hellhounds and sorcerers step up, making an invisible flaming hot barrier in front of him so that he couldn't get closer to me. Renjin's palm burned when he tried pushing the barrier and he grunted in pain.

"If you did, you should've been there for her when she needed you, your daughter isn't just a half-human child now, she's a God that has various souls to take care of," the Queen tells him and he bites the corner of his lips.

"I never meant it on a wrong note, my Queen, I'm not going to take the Goddess away from her kingdom, I simply want to spend some time with her," he says, his voice sounding innocent and clear.

"She isn't an object you can negotiate on you fuckt-" before Jungkook could pounce on the guy and break the barrier his mother lifted her hand, asking him to stop on his actions and he adhered, I turn to look at Jungkook who had his fists balled and veins clenching, his jaw tightened as he stared at my father.

"We can allow you to be here for as long as you want to spend time with your daughter but if anything goes wrong, not only do we wretch the Steele from you but you also lose your life, is that clear?" The queen asks him and my father bows down on his left knee before standing back up again.

"All I need is my daughter," Renjin says, a childlike smile on his face, I felt shuffling next to me and see that Jungkook had run off from the back, going deeper into the castle and I don't know what got into me but I followed right after him.


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now