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It felt like time passed by like a snap with just how many responsibilities were passed onto each of the young Gods, with their powers, they were now immortal unless of course, they choose to go against the rules of Agartha.

Though two different kingdoms, the two never met each other at all. Busy with their own worlds, doing their best to remain constant with whatever they did for their kind. Jungkook grew more and more restless as time passed, he was more than happy when it had finally passed a century, it meant his abilities would double. Every once a hundred years, the Gods were to make decisions concerning the well being of Agartha. 

So far the Steele guided their every move, now it was all on them.

Zelda moved around the huge kingdom, her beautiful white lace dress signifying her authority in the castle as all the little angels stopped their playing around for a second to bow to the Goddess before returning to their activities.

Being God was sad for both of them, not being able to fool around as they used to, but that's just a part of growing.

Jungkook stared the flowing river as daylight started running out and the skies were darker. The Queen, his mother who was finally in better terms with the man- her son, after he started to reign, walked up to the man, standing behind him till he turned to look at her.

"Tomorrow you're gonna start the with the first day for the next century, what's your wish upon the Kingdom?" The Queen asked, watching her son with pride.

"I was thinking," Jungkook started, not being able to look straight at his mother till he fought himself to be able to face her head on.

"Can we merge our kingdoms? These are the two kingdoms of Agartha, let's close the distance between those that aren't our kind and take the right procedures to be able to survive together," Jungkook said all in one breath, hoping for his mother to understand his words.

"Is this all for that girl?" The woman asked, eyeing him to see little hints but the man was always so uptight. She sighed before looking up to him.

"Wouldn't that hurt the ones lower to our authority? The hellhounds could go through severe pains around angels and whatever else they have in their kingdom," the Queen reasoned and Jungkook looked away in thought.

"I can heal them," Jungkook reasoned back making the woman's eyes widen by a fraction.

"That would deprive you of you-"

"I'm God now mother, and what I'm doing doesn't count as a bad deed,"

"Jungkook there's a reason why what you're asking for hasn't been approved of in years, it could result in the death of so many, my son," she tried telling him but Jungkook was just as adamant as always.

"Aren't newborn demons and hellhounds the same way when they first meet their mothers?" Jungkook reminded.

"Maybe we can start slow, little touches to hugs full of love, brotherhood and sisterhood would only make Agartha powerful, Renjin got along well with his wife too didn't he, they too are polar opposites," Jungkook stated for his little debate till the Queen pursed her lips.

"Will you take responsibility if-"

"I will, whatever happens I'll take it on my chest regardless, Naeri is there too mother, she will protect not just her but our kind too," Jungkook promised and all his mother said was that she would think about it.

Jungkook felt excited despite his plead being unattended to. He chose to wait, he waited a 100 years, a few days felt like nothing....

Zelda had gotten a lot quieter by the time passing, the little bit of happiness she felt was when she saw Renjin and her mother together. She had started addressing Renjin as her father finally, making him feel proud of himself for finally being able to conquer his role as a parent.

The man did a lot, from sticking by his now wife despite being polar opposites, it came with a lot of problems, from almost being on his death bed because of his love's divinity. The opposite energy cost them a lot of pain but they fought through it together.

Zelda felt her eyes lit up only in seeing the two lovebirds, she hoped to feel that way for herself too some day, but the feeling always came to a dead end whenever she thought of the man she truely loved, she just couldn't think of anyone else the same way.

Jungkook slept excitedly that night, hoping for nothing but his plead to be accepted in the right spirit, he wanted to, needed to meet the Goddess that ran through his mind for all too long.


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now